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What is Ovarian Cyst?


What is Ovarian Cyst?

They are formations of various sizes that appear in one or both of the right or left ovaries, and may be fluid-filled, blood-containing or more dense.

They are formations of various sizes that appear in one or both of the right or left ovaries, and may be fluid-filled, blood-containing or more dense.

What is an ovarian cyst?

They are formations of various sizes that appear in one or both of the right or left ovaries, and may be fluid-filled, blood-containing or more dense. This health problem, which almost every woman experiences at least once in her life, may not always be the same type. In other words, cysts can grow and become cysts under the influence of various factors depending on the cell type they contain. These formations, also known as ovarian cysts, may occur due to reasons such as hormonal irregularities, excessive exposure to radiation, and previous ovarian infections.

What are the types of ovarian cysts?

The most common benign and malignant cysts are as follows:

Follicular cyst: It is frequently seen in young people because the developing egg cell does not crack and continues to grow. These cysts, which generally vary between 2-4 cm in size, resolve spontaneously after menstruation.

Polycystic ovarian cyst: It is a disorder in which when ovulation does not occur regularly, the ovaries enlarge and contain many small cysts. This condition causes irregular menstrual bleeding, infertility, and increased body hair.

Corpus luteum cyst: After ovulation, a cyst forms over time as the tissue in the egg cell differentiates and turns into a tissue called corpusluteum. These cysts, which generally vary between 3-4 cm in size, resolve spontaneously after menstruation.

Endometrioma (chocolate cyst): It occurs as a result of the endometrium membrane layer that lines the uterus being found in the ovaries and bleeding during menstruation and becoming cysts. All kinds of tissues such as hair, skin, teeth and cartilage can be seen inside the mass. These cysts may cause abdominal pain, but there is no need for surgical treatment.

Serous cystadenoma: They are the most common cysts and occur mostly in women of reproductive age. These masses, which vary in size between 5-15 cm, have a 30 percent chance of being malignant, and they do not disappear spontaneously. Surgical intervention is required for treatment.

About Müsinözkistaden: They are the largest cysts seen in patients. Their sizes vary between 15-30 cm. Surgical method is also used in the treatment of these cysts that do not disappear on their own.

What are the symptoms of ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts often do not cause any symptoms in the body and are detected incidentally during gynecological examination. However, the most common symptoms are; menstrual irregularity, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, digestive system disorders, and urinary tract complaints. However, ovarian cysts that do not grow very large do not cause symptoms such as pain or abdominal swelling. If abdominal pain is felt, this indicates that the mass may be inflamed. In other clearly observed situations such as frequent urination, constipation or pain while defecating, it may come to mind that the cyst is growing and straining the bladder. This problem may also cause digestive system complaints such as loss of appetite, weight loss, and mild nausea.

What are the treatment methods for ovarian cyst?

The patient is examined to decide on the type of treatment; Factors such as the type of cyst, its size, symptoms, the patient’s history and age play an important role in the treatment method. Most ovarian cysts disappear on their own after a certain time. However, in cases where this is not the case, follow-up is preferred, especially for simple cysts, and birth control pills help the cyst shrink.

In what cases is ovarian cyst surgery performed?

Inflammatory cysts may require regular antibiotic treatment. However, cysts that cause pain in the patient and are suspected to be malignant must be surgically removed. Nowadays, these surgeries are performed much more carefully and in detail with laparoscopic and robotic surgery methods. While the recovery time of patients is shortened thanks to new surgical techniques that provide serious advantages for the patient; It has become possible to return to normal life faster and perform surgery with smaller abdominal incisions.

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