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What is Tear Duct Obstruction? Symptoms and Treatment


What is Tear Duct Obstruction? Symptoms and Treatment

Tear duct obstruction occurs in approximately 5 percent of newborn babies. Anadolu Health Center Ophthalmology Specialist Op. stated that complaints of tear duct obstruction started a few weeks after birth. Dr. Yusuf Avni Yılmaz said, “Although the most common cause of watery eyes in babies is tear duct obstruction, there are other reasons as well. The most important of these is congenital glaucoma, that is, eye tension. Congenital glaucoma is a much more serious condition than duct occlusion. “In addition to the simple congenital disorder that blocks the duct, tumors and cysts should also be taken into consideration.” Ophthalmologist Op. Dr. We recommend that you take Yusuf Avni Yılmaz’s suggestions into consideration…

The structures of the tear system begin to form in the 5th week of pregnancy, and the tear duct begins to form in the 8th week of pregnancy. This formation and development continues throughout pregnancy. Tears form in the lacrimal gland, fill the sac through small canals, and flow into the nasal cavity through the tear duct. Contraction of the eyelid muscles acts as a pump to drain tears into the nasal cavity. Obstruction in any part of this system results in watery eyes…

Tear Duct Occlusion: Congenital glaucoma should also be evaluated during eye examination

Tear obstruction seen in newborn babies can occur anywhere along the system, but is mostly seen where the tear duct opens into the nose. Complaints begin within a few weeks after birth. Usually the first symptom is watering. However, as the situation continues, watering is accompanied by a yellow discharge, popularly known as burrs. Although the most common cause of watery eyes in babies is tear duct obstruction, there may be other reasons as well. The most important of these is congenital glaucoma, that is, eye tension. It should definitely be taken into consideration in the differential diagnosis. Congenital glaucoma is a much more serious condition than duct occlusion. Additionally, tumors and cysts, as well as simple congenital defects that block the duct, should also be taken into consideration.

Tear Duct Obstruction: Treatment should be based on the cause of watery eyes.

Diagnosis begins with a careful examination. The character of eye watering and the presence of other accompanying findings provide a great deal of insight. If necessary, additional examinations such as examination of the baby by putting him to sleep, measurement of eye pressure, measurement of the diameter of the cornea, and imaging of the tear ducts may be performed. Treatment should be done according to the cause of watering. Since the cause is often birth canal stenosis or obstruction, in this case it is necessary to divide the treatment into two. Initially, non-invasive treatment is recommended, the main element of which is massage of the lacrimal sac. The aim here is to massage the sac, increase the pressure in the sac and open the membrane at the end of the canal that causes the obstruction. With appropriate massage, most cases improve by the age of 1. Apart from massage, if the watery eyes turn into yellow discharge, it should be considered an infection and necessary treatment should be performed.

Tear Duct Obstruction: There are treatment methods ranging from medication to surgery.

The second treatment option is tear duct probing in cases that do not improve until the age of one despite massage or in cases where the baby is younger than one year old but has an uncontrollable tear duct infection. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia (put to sleep), but it is a short-term procedure. The baby does not need to be anesthetized for a very long time. The process yields significant results.

Treatment of irrigation causes other than simple canal obstruction is entirely focused on the cause. Congenital glaucoma is a serious condition that should be considered first. In this case, there are treatment methods ranging from medication to surgical interventions. Tumors, cysts, etc. that block the tear system. In such cases, it is necessary to make treatments based on the cause.

Tear Duct Obstruction: Treatment should not be delayed

In case of duct obstruction, if it is delayed, some complications may develop due to frequent infection. In addition, the success of the probing process decreases day by day after 12-15 months. In case of early diagnosis, the problem will be solved with a simple intervention such as probing, but after a certain age, larger surgeries will be needed. Late diagnosis of congenital glaucoma can also cause serious permanent vision loss.

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