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13 foods that are good for macular degeneration


13 foods that are good for macular degeneration

Aging is a part of life; In addition to changes in the skin, hair and joints, it also occurs in the eyes. Reminding that some changes can be seen in the visual system with age, Anadolu Health Center Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Yusuf Avni Yılmaz said, “A healthy lifestyle depends on a balanced diet. “Macular degeneration, the incidence of which increases with age in the visual system, can also be delayed with a healthy diet,” he said. Kiss. Dr. Yusuf Avni Yılmaz listed 13 foods that delay macular degeneration and their benefits…


Many fish are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish are fish that have fat in their intestines and body tissues. Therefore, consuming them provides higher levels of omega-3-rich fish oil. Fish containing the most beneficial omega-3 levels are tuna, salmon, trout, tuna, sardines and anchovies.


Spinach is a group of green leafy vegetables that are sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. One cup of spinach has about 20.4 mg of two compounds that are important in improving eyesight. Apart from cooking, spinach can also be liquefied and consumed as a drink.


Corn is a food that can be consumed in many ways. In addition to being a delicious food source, it contributes to the visual system.


Eggs are an excellent source of protein, omega 3, lutein and vitamin E. Free-range chickens are the best source of eggs known to contain the right amounts of lutein and zeaxanthin.


Another category of foods that help restore your vision are fruits rich in vitamin C. Foods rich in vitamin C include all citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits.


Broccoli has a high concentration of fiber and is also rich in vitamin C. Besides lutein and zeaxanthin, the other great nutrient found in broccoli is beta carotene. These three nutrients are essential for improving vision. It can be easily prepared and consumed in various ways.


Although it contains a significant amount of carbohydrates, it also contains various minerals and vitamins.


Papaya is full of great antioxidants like carotenoids and beta-carotene, which are converted to vitamin A. An additional benefit of lutein and zeaxanthin is that they help protect the eyes from damage from UV rays. Papaya contains both of these nutrients.


Blueberry fruit can be consumed or taken as a supplement. Blueberries contain lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as many minerals and vitamins.


Kale is a type of cabbage. Its recognition has increased considerably in recent years. It is known to provide cancer-fighting antioxidants and vitamins. These vegetables are an excellent source of beta-carotene and contain both lutein and zeaxanthin. Research shows that one cup of kale contains a total of 23.8 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin.


Lentils, black-eyed peas, green peas, and green beans are a great source of zinc, which helps our body absorb nutrients and vitamins. Legumes are also a great source of protein.


All nuts, such as cashews, walnuts and almonds, are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. They also contain lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin E, which protect the cells and tissue of the eye.


Red meat is rich in zinc. The eye itself contains high levels of zinc, especially in the retina and the vascular tissue surrounding the retina. Zinc may help delay macular degeneration and age-related vision loss.

Consuming fresh and nutritious foods is the best way to lead a healthier lifestyle, but vitamins and minerals can be consumed as supplements when there is not always sufficient access to fresh vegetables and fruits.

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