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Last week, the police encountered two incidents of violence against its officers in the course of their lawful duties in Ayivu East Division and Kakumiro respectively. Unfortunately, two lives were lost during the violent attacks against police officers. As the UPF, we remain committed to the rule of law and the protection of all law abiding citizens. Such lawless acts of attacks on police officers, is an attack against rule of law and our country.

For instance, on the 21.05.2024 at around 8pm, our police officers from Ayivu East CPS, responded to an incident of mob action in Agorovu “A” cell, where the in-laws of Ondoma Christopher, accused him of bewitching his wife (their daughter) and she died while giving birth at Arua Referral Hospital. The aggressive in-laws armed with stones, clubs and pangas raided his home, and started vandalizing it and destroying property. The angry mob further turned against officers, who tried to quell down, the situation. The officers were stoned and injured amidst a volatile setting, which prompted them ti discharge a few bullets to scare the mob. Regrettably, 3 victims were injured by stray bullets and rushed to Arua City Referral Hospital. These included; Candiru Margret, Driciru Milika, aged 22 and Anguko Patrick, aged 11. Unfortunately, Candiru Margret succumbed to her injuries.

In a separate development, the territorial police in Albertine region and Kakumiro CPS, are investigating an violent incident of obstruction and resistance, which resulted in the fatal wounding of Kanshaba Isaac, a 43 year old, peasant of Kaikara North, on the 23.05.2024 at around 7:30am. The officers had responded to an incident of domestic violence, where the violent suspect was armed with a panga and threatening to cut his wife Wamahoro Vastina. The aggressive husband went on damaging several properties within the home.

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The officers called for reinforcement, which forced the suspect to storm out of the house with an axe, threatening to injure the officers on duty, the LCI Chairperson and other members of the community. The officers fired several shots to scare the armed but advancing suspect, in vain. As a result he was shot and maimed, in the leg, while attacking PC Bruno Tambani, who had fallen down. The suspect eventually succumbed to the injuries.

The two police officers in the two separate incidents above are being investigated for alleged use of excessive force and or self-defence. But as they are being investigated, these continuous acts of willful resistance, obstruction, attacks and assaults, against police officers on lawful duty is unacceptable. We call upon the public to always cooperate with the police and remain law-abiding.



SCP Enanga Fred

Police Spokesperson

27th May 2024


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