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Hydrafacial MD Power and Aquapeel Skin Care in Skin Care


Hydrafacial MD Power and Aquapeel Skin Care in Skin Care

The main purpose of skin care should not be cosmetic. The primary target is the health of the skin. Cleansing the skin and detailed care according to the skin type should be prioritized from an early age. Nowadays, weather conditions, nutritional disorders, smoking, stress, etc. Factors such as have made skin care even more important. Skin problems that may occur vary from person to person. Professional skin care once a month will be sufficient to prevent, prevent or delay aging, sagging, blemishes, wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Skin care is one of the most effective systems that can delay the aging of the skin if it is done by expert hands using the right products, regardless of gender.

What is Hydrafacial MD Power?

Hydrafacial MD POWER is a breakthrough in skin care technology. Hydrafacial MD POWER is a system that has a special head that sprays under pressure. Thanks to this head, the solutions are allowed to penetrate the skin without touching the skin.

Why Should We Have Skin Care?

When genetic factors, external factors (sun damage, air pollution, fluorescent lamps, etc.) and age-related loss of elasticity are added, the signs of premature aging in the skin increase. Hydrafacial MD POWER is a system developed to help solve skin problems. The treatment gives the skin a silky texture and shine without causing irritation.

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Hydrafacial MD Power Purposes of Use:

Hydrafacial MD Power Stages:

Why is Hydrafacial MD Power So Preferred?

Hydrafacial is an extremely safe, comfortable and practical treatment. It makes a difference with its patented serum delivery system.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Hydrafacial is a fast and very effective treatment that takes as little as 30 minutes. Serums are specially applied by your expert esthetician with a personalized protocol.

How Frequently Are Sessions Recommended?

It is recommended once a week, once every 15 days or once a month, depending on the skin condition and needs.

Is Hydrafacial MD Power a Painful Procedure?

It is a painless application.

Aquapeel Skin Care

Aquapeel simultaneously softens the skin with the solution coming from a special head, cleanses it from dead skin, moisturizes it and provides antioxidants.

Aquapeel Usage Areas:

Aquapeel Stages:

How Frequently Are Sessions Recommended?

It is recommended once a week, once every 15 days or once a month, depending on the skin condition and needs.

Is Aquapeel a Painful Procedure?

It is a painless application.


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