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Chamomile Tea: Benefits, Effects, Consumption


Chamomile Tea: Benefits, Effects, Consumption

Chamomile is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae plant family and has been used for medicinal and aromatic purposes for centuries.

Chamomile is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae plant family and has been used for medicinal and aromatic purposes for centuries. Chamomile tea is a popular drink made by drying and brewing the chamomile plant. Thanks to the antioxidants and other rich compounds it contains, chamomile tea can reduce the risks of some diseases such as cancer and heart diseases and may help increase the body’s immune resistance. Chamomile tea can also be consumed to relieve stress, depression, digestive disorders and sleep problems.

What are the Benefits of Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile tea may offer various benefits due to the bioactive components it contains. Its benefits may include stress-reducing effects, falling asleep faster, and relieving stomach problems such as nausea, indigestion, and gas pain. In general, the potential benefits of chamomile tea can be stated as follows:

Calming Effect

Chamomile tea can have a relaxing effect on many negative mood changes. Bisabolol and bisabolol oxide compounds in chamomile tea may help relieve stress, distress, and anxiety. Chamomile tea can also be used as an alternative treatment for mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Troubleshooting Sleep Problems

When consumed regularly, chamomile tea can provide a relaxing effect and help eliminate sleep problems. Chamomile tea contains the substance apigenin, which increases sleepiness and reduces chronic insomnia by stimulating certain receptors in the brain. A scientific study revealed that people who drank chamomile tea regularly for 28 days had a better sleep quality than those who did not drink it. Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that will improve sleep speed and sleep quality, and drinking this tea can improve sleep quality in general.

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Digestive Health

Chamomile tea may be beneficial for relieving various gastrointestinal problems and maintaining digestive health. It is thought that this benefit of chamomile tea is due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile tea may be beneficial for preventing or reducing diarrhea, reducing stomach acid, inhibiting the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria, and for common digestive system disorders such as nausea and gas problems.

Reducing Cancer Risk

The powerful antioxidant contents in chamomile tea may be associated with a lower incidence of some types of cancer. Apigenin, which is found in chamomile tea and is a good antioxidant, can fight cancer cells, especially breast, digestive system, skin, uterus, thyroid and prostate. Chamomile tea may also help treat inflammatory conditions related to the upper respiratory tract or skin.

Blood Sugar Control

Blood sugar can be controlled by regular consumption of chamomile tea. The anti-inflammatory properties in the plant can prevent high blood sugar from damaging pancreatic cells. Studies have shown that people who drink chamomile tea regularly have lower blood sugar levels than those who do not drink it. Drinking chamomile tea after meals may be beneficial for preventing sudden increases in blood sugar and for better digestion.

Protecting Heart Health

The flavone group antioxidants found in chamomile tea can protect heart health. Flovans keep high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels under control, which can trigger various heart diseases. Consuming chamomile tea may help keep the heart healthy.

Above are some of the potential benefits of chamomile tea if consumed regularly. However, since everyone’s body structure is different, chamomile tea may not have the same effect on everyone. It is necessary to consult a healthcare professional about other benefits of chamomile tea.

How to Consume Chamomile Tea?

Consumption of chamomile tea may vary depending on a person’s individual preferences and needs. For example, it can be used at night to help ease the transition to sleep or for other sleep problems. It can be drunk after meals for digestive problems such as indigestion and bloating, and at any time of the day to reduce daily stress levels. Chamomile tea can be drunk directly after brewing, or it can be consumed by adding honey or herbal sweeteners. You can also get a different aroma by adding lemon slices to chamomile tea. Chamomile tea is generally a herbal tea with a pleasant smell and taste, and its consumption method can be determined according to personal preferences. The thing to pay attention to is the brewing time of chamomile tea. It may be possible to make the most of the taste and benefits of tea by keeping the brewing time short.

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How Much Chamomile Tea Should Be Consumed?

Consuming chamomile tea as much as necessary is an important factor to benefit from both the pleasure of drinking it and its possible benefits. Although there is no clear way to use the tea, it is generally recommended to consume 200-250 ml 2-3 times a day. Consuming more than the specified doses may cause the benefits of the tea to decrease or cause some allergic symptoms to occur. The suggestion for preparing chamomile tea is as follows:

  • Place approximately 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile into a cup.

  • Approximately 200-250 ml of hot water is added to it.

  • The cup is covered with a lid or similar material.

  • Chamomile tea is filtered after brewing for 10-15 minutes.

  • Prepared chamomile tea can be consumed plain or sweetened, depending on preference.

It is important to consult a doctor before use if there is any allergic condition or pregnancy-breastfeeding. The most appropriate consumption recommendation and amount information can be given by doctors.

Does Chamomile Tea Have Side Effects?

Chamomile tea is generally considered safe and does not cause any side effects for most people. However, those who are allergic to other flowers in the daisy family, such as ragweed and chrysanthemum, may be more likely to develop an allergic reaction. If chamomile tea comes into contact with the eyes, it may cause eye irritation or inflammation of the eye membrane, causing conjunctivitis. Apart from this, some of the people in the risk group who are not recommended to consume chamomile tea can be listed as follows:

  • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women

  • Little children

  • Those with kidney and liver disease

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Side effects of chamomile tea are rare and no toxic or life-threatening effects have been identified. It is necessary to consult a healthcare professional to learn about the possible side effects of chamomile tea and the suitability of its use.

Frequently Asked Questions About Chamomile Tea

To have more information about the benefits and uses of chamomile tea, some of the questions people frequently ask are as follows:

Can you gargle with chamomile tea?

Gargling with chamomile tea can be good for mouth and throat pain or relieve inflammation, thanks to the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties of the tea. Chamomile tea gargle can eliminate bad breath and heal mild oral wounds. Gargling may also relieve mouth sores, which are a side effect of cancer treatments.

What should be considered before drinking chamomile tea?

Chamomile tea may interact with some medications or supplements. It is not recommended to drink chamomile tea together with blood thinners, tranquilizers and some analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, consuming it with food supplements containing garlic, ginkgo biloba and valerian extract may also cause interactions. If you are using a medication or supplement regularly, it is necessary to consult a doctor before consuming chamomile tea.

Is chamomile tea used for skin?

After cooling the chamomile tea, you can apply it to the skin with a cotton ball and benefit from its various benefits. Chamomile tea can be beneficial for skin cleansing, pore tightening and mild irritations. Additionally, in case of eye fatigue, tampon movements can be made with chamomile tea.

If you want to have more comprehensive information about chamomile tea and use this tea regularly, you can contact a health institution and receive nutritional consultancy service.


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