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It is an FDA-approved non-surgical treatment method used in the treatment of wrinkles caused by facial muscles. With Botox applications, the number of surgical face lift operations is decreasing day by day in many countries, including the United States. In this treatment, wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, droopy eyebrows and neck bands are successfully treated. Botox is a painless treatment and the person can easily continue his daily life immediately after the procedure. A maximum of 60 units of original medicine is used in one session, treatment intervals are approximately 6 months. Consultation between the doctor and the patient is important in terms of the aesthetic results of the treatment, and reducing wrinkles while preserving the natural appearance is prioritized.

Which wrinkles is Botox used to treat?

The wrinkles that respond best to Botox treatment are the wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and between the eyebrows. Botox can also be used to treat laugh lines, neck and nape wrinkles.

Since when has Botox treatment been used?

Botox has been used successfully by ophthalmologists for many years in the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia. In recent years, the use of Botox has increased due to its significant effect in improving wrinkles due to facial expressions.

How do wrinkles form?

Some of the wrinkles are formed by the contraction of the muscles under the skin. Relaxation of these muscles causes wrinkles to decrease or disappear completely.

How is Botox effective?

Botox is a medicine that contains botulinum toxin A. This toxin is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum and causes a dangerous disease called botylismus. Botulinum toxin is a neuromuscular blocking agent, that is, when injected into the muscle, it causes paralysis in the muscle, by preventing the release of a substance called acetylcholine into the communication gap between the nerve and the muscle. Paralysis occurs when the muscles cannot be stimulated by the nerves. When the nerve regenerates, the muscle begins to get used to it again. It can also be used in the treatment of excessive sweating by blocking sympathetic nerve endings with the same mechanism.

How is Botox applied?

Botox application is performed in our hospital under the control of our specialist physicians. It does not require anesthesia. Botox application is painless and does not leave any scars at the injection site. During the application, a very small amount of Botox is injected into the muscles just under the skin with thin needles. After the application, there is no change in the applied area and normal daily activities can be resumed immediately.

When does the effect of Botox begin and how long does it last?

The effect of Botox is seen in 2-7 days. This effect lasts for 3-6 months, after which new injections are needed. Studies have shown that successive injections extend the interval between treatments.

What should be taken into consideration after application?

In order for Botox to show its maximum effect, attention should be paid to the issue. First, the treatment area should not be touched for 2-3 hours. Secondly, the patient should remain in an upright position for 2-3 hours. Thirdly, patients should be asked to exercise these muscles for 2-3 hours. This process ensures that Botox is received by the appropriate muscles and nerves. Eyebrow plucking for wrinkles between the eyebrows, eyebrow lifting for forehead wrinkles, and squinting for eye wrinkles provide maximum benefit.

What are the side effects of Botox?

Because the toxin is injected in very low amounts, the treatment is safe and side effects are minimal. Mild burning during injection occurs in half of the patients. Rarely, bruising may occur at the injection site. Other side effects include drooping eyelids and eyebrows. Droopy eyelids occur at a rate of 1%. It regresses in an average of four weeks.

To whom can Botox be applied?

Botox can be applied to almost anyone. Botox is a very safe agent. Since Botox application is a simple procedure, it can be easily applied in office conditions. Thus, patients are prevented from wasting time. Wrinkles that develop over a long period of time are corrected within a week with Botox treatment. If Botox treatment is applied to appropriate wrinkles, the result is more successful than other cosmetic methods.

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