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Cataract in 9 questions!


Cataract in 9 questions!

One of our organs most affected by the aging process is our eyes. Cataract, which occurs when our natural eye lens, which allows us to see, loses its transparency and becomes opaque, is now successfully treated with new generation lenses. But of course, there are still things we wonder about. Here are the answers to all our questions, Anadolu Health Center Ophthalmology Specialist Dr. We share it in this article in the light of Yusuf Avni Yılmaz’s information…

What is cataract?

Cataract is an eye problem that manifests itself when the transparent layer in the eye, which we call the lens, becomes opaque and it becomes difficult for light to reach the retina layer of the eye.

What symptoms does it manifest itself with?

The first symptoms are slightly blurred vision, light sensitivity and increased blurriness. Afterwards, it may cause complete vision loss. The variety of complaints depends on the density of the cataract.

Who gets cataracts?

The most important risk factor for cataracts is advanced age. Cataracts can occur at any age, although the likelihood of occurrence increases with age. Diabetes, cortisone use, excessive sun exposure and some metabolic diseases increase the likelihood of cataracts.

How is it treated?

For its treatment, the lens that has lost its transparency is surgically removed and replaced with a transparent lens. In the past, large incisions were made for this surgery, requiring stitches, and vision rehabilitation could take a long time. Fortunately, today cataract surgeries are performed with smaller incisions, so stitches are not required. Moreover, it becomes possible to return to work and social life earlier.

The surgery time is also short. However, since not every cataract is the same, this duration and the general course of the surgery may differ. It is usually performed without the need for general anesthesia; The patient is awake and in verbal communication with the operating team. Of course, general anesthesia is required for babies and children, as well as patients with poor communication or extreme anxiety.

Is surgery the only treatment for cataracts? Is there an age limit for this?

Cataracts can only be treated with surgery and there is no age limit for surgery. Cataracts that impair vision can be operated on at any age. There are even babies who have cataracts when they are born, and it is extremely important to diagnose them early and have them operated on as soon as possible in order to prevent permanent loss of vision.

What should patients pay attention to after surgery?

In the first few days, attention should be paid to hygiene and the recommended drops should be used.

Do they repeat?

Cataracts do not recur, but some patients may experience clouding behind the lens. This situation does not require repeat surgery. This blurriness can be removed with a short laser procedure under outpatient clinic conditions.

Can cataract formation be prevented?

It may not be possible to prevent cataracts, but the use of sunglasses, diabetes control, control of metabolic diseases, if any, and a balanced diet can reduce the possibility of cataracts.

What are the latest developments about new lenses?

Over time, there have been many developments regarding the lenses used. While in the past only single focal lenses were used, today multifocal lenses that enable near and far vision can be preferred for suitable patients.

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