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Creatinine: What is its high and low levels, its treatment


Creatinine: What is its high and low levels, its treatment

Creatinine is a compound found in the bloodstream of every individual and released following metabolic processes. Creatinine, which is excreted from the body through urine, must be present in the body at certain level ranges. The amount of creatinine that an individual should have in their bloodstream varies depending on age, gender, race and body size. However, in the light of these parameters, creatinine levels outside certain ranges may be a sign of some diseases. In particular, creatinine levels can be evaluated to determine whether kidney function is operating at a healthy level.

What is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a compound released as a result of the breakdown of the amino acid creatine stored in the muscles to produce energy. Creatinine, which is released after the breakdown processes in the muscles, is found in the bloodstream. It remains in the bloodstream at certain levels by being filtered by the kidney. As a person’s muscle mass increases, the level of creatine in the blood may increase. For this reason, men generally have higher serum creatinine levels than women. Creatinine in the blood is filtered by the kidneys and removed from the body. In this way, serum creatinine levels remain within healthy reference ranges. However, in some cases, creatinine levels may increase or decrease. It is very important that creatinine levels, which are generally associated with kidney functions, are within healthy ranges.

What Should Creatinine Levels Be?

Ideal creatinine levels of a person; It varies depending on factors such as age, gender, weight or race. However, serum creatinine values ​​in adult men and women should be within certain ranges. A blood sample is taken from the person to determine the creatinine level. In laboratory examinations, milgram creatinine value in one deciliter of blood or micromole creatinine levels in 1 liter of blood are reported. According to these reports, ideal serum creatinine levels were determined as follows.

  • 0.7 to 1.2 mg/dL (60 to 110 micromoles/L) for adult men
  • 0.5 to 1 mg/dL (45 to 90 micromoles/L) for adult women

What is Low Creatinine?

Creatinine levels in the bloodstream below reference values ​​are called low creatinine. The underlying cause of this condition, which is detected through blood tests, may be various reasons, including low muscle mass and liver problems. If low creatinine is detected, the patient should be evaluated and the cause should be investigated.

What are the Causes of Low Creatinine?

A decrease in creatinine values ​​may occur due to four main reasons.

  • low muscle mass
  • liver problems
  • Insufficient protein intake
  • Pregnancy

Low creatinine levels usually occur due to low muscle mass, a decrease in the amount of muscle in the body due to age or developing diseases. Diseases such as muscular dystrophy can also cause muscle loss and cause low creatinine levels.

Creatine is produced in the liver. Creatinine deficiency may occur if sufficient amounts of creatine are not produced due to health problems in the liver.

Another reason is the foods a person consumes. Even though creatine is an amino acid that can be produced by the body, it is also a type of amino acid that must be taken from outside. Creatine, which is found in foods of animal origin, especially meat, may not be absorbed into the body in sufficient amounts due to low consumption of such foods. This causes a decrease in creatinine levels.

It is normal to experience a decrease in creatinine levels during pregnancy. After pregnancy, these levels usually return to normal levels.

What are the symptoms of low creatinine?

Symptoms that develop due to low creatinine levels vary depending on the cause of this condition. If there is a decrease in creatinine levels due to people having low muscle mass;

  • lack of power
  • Strain may occur while exercising.

In cases that develop due to liver disease;

  • Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen
  • chronic fatigue
  • Nausea symptoms may be observed.

In case of low creatinine due to diet;

  • Faint
  • dizziness
  • Involuntary weight loss may occur.

How to Treat Low Creatinine?

In the treatment of low creatinine, vital changes are usually made. It is recommended that the patient apply exercise programs to increase muscle mass. It is necessary to increase creatine intake along with the diet and ensure that the person consumes sufficient amounts of protein.

People who exercise at high intensity may be advised to take creatine supplements.

If there is a decrease in creatine levels due to liver disease, treatments are applied to improve liver health.

A decrease in creatine levels with age is considered normal and can be treated with nutritional changes.

What is High Creatinine?

High creatinine is when serum creatinine values ​​are above ideal ranges. In some cases, it can also be detected by urine tests performed after a 24-hour urine collection. This condition, which may occur due to different diseases, may cause various symptoms. Since it may cause irreversible health problems in the long term, if high creatinine level is detected, the underlying cause should be found and treatment should be planned accordingly.

What Causes High Creatinine?

High creatinine usually develops due to inadequate kidney function. There may be different reasons behind kidney dysfunction. This reasons;

  • kidney infection
  • Kidney failure
  • Kidney stones blocking the urinary tract
  • It is an inflammation of glomerulonephritis (kidney structures that filter blood).

There may be different reasons behind high creatinine level. The creatinine level may temporarily rise above normal values. In such cases, the person’s dehydration, the food sources he consumes or the nutritional supplements he uses may result in increased creatinine levels at certain periods. People with heavy protein consumption may also have increased creatinine levels. An increase in creatinine levels may also be observed due to intense exercise. In such cases, people are monitored at regular intervals and their vital changes are made to ensure that they have healthy creatinine levels.

Apart from these reasons, an increase in creatinine levels may also be observed due to some medications used. Some health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, can also increase creatinine levels.

What are the symptoms of high creatinine?

With high creatinine, people may experience some symptoms. The symptoms that appear may vary depending on the underlying cause of increased creatinine levels. Symptoms occurring according to the cause of manifestation can be listed as follows.

In case of elevated creatinine due to drug toxicity;

  • feeling tired
  • confusion
  • Nausea
  • fluid buildup
  • Shortness of breath
  • chest pain
  • Symptoms of irregular heart rate may occur.

If a kidney infection develops (pyelonephritis) and its treatment is neglected, the following symptoms may occur.

  • Fever or chills
  • Pain in the back or groin
  • Darkening or cloudy urine color
  • Seeing blood in the urine
  • Frequent and painful urination
  • Nausea and vomiting

In cases where glomerulonephritis develops and high creatinine occurs, the symptoms that occur are as follows.

  • Hypertension
  • I do not find blood or protein in the urine
  • Bubbly or foamy urine due to increased protein levels in the urine
  • Development of edema in the ankles and face

The symptoms of kidney failure are;

  • Frequently urinating very little
  • breathing difficulties
  • Swelling in feet and ankles
  • Weakening
  • Nausea
  • confusion

It may cause dysfunction in kidney functions; Similar symptoms may occur in conditions such as high blood pressure, urinary tract obstruction and heart disease.

How to Treat High Creatinine?

Treatment of high creatinine varies depending on the underlying cause. In order to make the correct treatment plan, the underlying cause of high creatinine should be determined and a treatment should be applied accordingly. If high creatinine level develops due to kidney infection, antibiotic treatments are used. If it is caused by high blood pressure, it is aimed to reduce creatinine levels with medications.

In some patients, vital changes such as reducing protein intake and increasing dietary fiber are required. Regular doctor follow-up should not be neglected until creatinine levels reach healthy levels.

Increases or decreases in creatinine levels can be a sign of different diseases that can be life-threatening. Therefore, it is of great importance to examine creatinine levels at regular doctor visits.

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