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How Should Contact Lens Be Used?


How Should Contact Lens Be Used?

Swimming with contact lenses in seas and pools can cause serious infections. Stating that water hosts countless dangerous microbes, Anadolu Health Center Ophthalmology Specialist Op. Dr. Yusuf Avni Yılmaz said, “Swimming with contact lenses can cause eye infections, irritation, and potentially eye- and vision-threatening conditions such as corneal ulcers (sores). “Those who have severe vision problems and must wear lenses should use disposable lenses together with waterproof swimming goggles,” he said. Op for our eye health. Dr. It is useful to take into consideration Yusuf Avni Yılmaz’s recommendations for lens use…

Water can contain countless microbes. One of the most serious is able to adhere to contact lensesIt is the Acanthamoeba organism that can cause the cornea to become infected and inflamed. This condition, called Acanthamoeba keratitis, is associated with contact lens contamination while swimming and may require a corneal transplant to correct vision loss if not treated early enough. In such cases, it may not be possible to be successful despite corneal transplantation and the eye may be lost.

In cases where lens use is necessary, disposable lenses should be preferred.

If the vision problem is not severe, that is, vision is manageable without using glasses or lenses, it is recommended to swim in the pool or the sea, preferably without using lenses. However, in this case, the vision of people who use very high prescription glasses or contact lenses will be very poor. obligation to use lenses emerges. In this case, disposable lenses should definitely be used together with waterproof swimming goggles. If water gets into the eyes while swimming, contact lenses should be removed as soon as possible to reduce your risk of eye irritation and infection.

Rigid, gas-permeable contact lenses should not be used while swimming

Swimming with contact lenses can irritate or even damage the eyes. Wearing swimming goggles cuts the eye’s contact with water, helping to protect against possible infection and irritation, and provides clearer vision underwater.

Rigid, gas permeable (GP) contact lenses while swimming not to use It is necessary because it is more likely to fall out of favor. soft contact lenses While they are more likely to remain in your eyes while swimming, they are porous and absorb chemicals and bacteria, increasing the risk of eye irritation and infection. Additionally, freshwater in swimming pools can cause soft lenses to stick to the eyes, causing significant discomfort.

Harms of Lens Use: If there is a feeling of stinging in the eyes, the lens should be removed immediately.

Water entering the eyes while swimming also washes away the natural tears that lubricate the eyes and can worsen existing eye conditions such as chronic dry eyes. In case you decide to swim with contact lenses daily disposable lenses is the safest option. They are intended to be thrown away after a single use, eliminating the need to clean and disinfect them. Even if disposable lenses are used, if stinging or burning occurs at any time, the first thing to do is to remove the lens immediately. If burning and stinging continues despite removing the lens, an ophthalmologist should be consulted.

Disposable lenses should be thrown away immediately after swimming

To be safe, discard daily disposable lenses immediately after swimming, use moisturizing drops in the eyes, or with contact lenses It is important to rinse with artificial tears approved for use. Although disposable lenses always bring a higher cost than monthly used lenses, this cost difference can be ignored if we consider the current risks…

Prescription swimming goggles may also be an option

Using swimming goggles while swimming protects both water from contact with the eyes and lens It prevents it from falling out of sight and getting lost. Another option is specially designed prescription swimming goggles that correct refractive error. These glasses are designed as swimming goggles, which are the glasses you use in normal daily life. The disadvantage of these is that they do not usually correct astigmatism. The advantage is UV filter They protect the eyes from the harmful effects of the sun due to possible sun exposure while swimming. Some brands produce ready-made optical swimming goggles that correct refraction. These glasses offer different prescription options. Another alternative, for those who do not want to deal with all this, is to correct the refractive error with laser if there is a suitable corneal structure. In this case, there will be no need for refractive error correcting lenses or glasses to see well in the sea and pool, as in normal life…

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