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How to Treat Flu? 5 Fastest Suggestions!


How to Treat Flu? 5 Fastest Suggestions!

During the flu season, it is as important to get over it as quickly as possible after getting sick, as well as to protect yourself from the flu.

During the flu season, it is as important to get over it as quickly as possible after getting sick, as well as to protect yourself from the flu. Anadolu Health Center Ear Nose and Throat Diseases specialists give 5 simple suggestions for a quick recovery, as well as ways to protect against flu, which is an infectious disease.

Temperature changes in the weather invite flu. Flu causes serious workforce loss and school-age children’s loss of education. If you do not rest, the treatment process will be prolonged and the risk of side effects of the disease will be increased. Flu, as it is known, is an infectious disease that occurs in environments where sick people are present, through sneezing, coughing, and after contact with virus-infected hands. After catching the flu, we can quickly get rid of the disease in the healthiest way with 5 simple practices.

What should be done to protect against flu?

Hand cleaning is extremely important to protect against flu. You should not touch your mouth or nose with dirty hands, and you should pay attention to the cleanliness of your hands. If you have to shake hands frequently due to your job, you can use hand antiseptics. The temperature of the environment should not be too high and the environment where you spend time should be ventilated. Regular exercise is also necessary to strengthen the body’s defense system against microbes.

Speed ​​up the treatment process of flu

Here are 5 simple suggestions for those who want to get rid of the flu quickly after catching the flu:

Do not interrupt your treatment: Follow the flu treatment prescribed by your doctor without interruption. Do not make your own diagnosis and use medication haphazardly. Antibiotics, especially those taken for treatment purposes, cause more harm than good. Medicines prescribed for flu; It is not directly aimed at the infection, but is intended to help relieve symptoms, make the disease easier and prevent complications. Not antibiotics; Antipyretics prescribed by the doctor, sprays to relieve nasal breathing, gargles and lozenges for sore throat and burning, and vitamins to increase body resistance should be used.

Take rest when you have the flu: During this period, even if the patient does not lie in bed, he/she should definitely stay away from tiring exercises and movements and should rest for a few days. Flu causes serious workforce loss and school-age children’s loss of education. If you do not rest, the treatment process will be prolonged and the risk of side effects of the disease will be increased. Another advantage of sick people resting is that they will not make other people sick or spread the disease in the institutions where they work.

Sleep for sufficient time: Sleeping pattern is one of the most important details for body health. During sleep, especially in children, cells are renewed and the melatonin hormone is secreted. Sleeping an average of 7 hours a day will strengthen the organism’s defense system.

Do not reduce your fluid consumption: Drink plenty of water. You can also consume especially mixed herbal teas (linden, rosehip, raspberry, jasmine, chamomile, blackberry…). Of course, since everything in excess is harmful, you should also avoid excessive fluid consumption.

Eat well: Consume fruits, especially citrus fruits, as vitamin C strengthens the body’s defense system. Frequently consuming dark green leafy fresh vegetables will also increase your body resistance.

Is the flu vaccine necessary?

The flu vaccine is given specifically to prevent serious problems and related deaths that may be caused by the disease. It is recommended that patients with weakened immune status, diabetics, people with chronic diseases such as heart, lung, kidney and rheumatic diseases, and people over the age of 65 be vaccinated once a year in the autumn months. It is especially beneficial to vaccinate elderly people living in nursing homes. While vaccination is not recommended for pregnant women in the first 3 months, if the risk is very high, vaccination can be done after 3 months (in December-March). People between the ages of 50-64 can be vaccinated against flu by evaluating their medical risks. There is no harm in doing this for breastfeeding mothers.

What is the difference between flu and cold?

There are important differences between flu and cold. Flu is a problem that progresses with higher fever and may last longer. If left untreated, it can cause many diseases such as pneumonia, otitis media or meningitis. There is no high fever in a cold. It mostly manifests itself with a runny nose.

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