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Hydrocele surgery and recovery process


Hydrocele surgery and recovery process

Hydrocele, colloquially known as water hernia, swelling of the bags and blisters, is common, especially in newborns.

Hydrocele, colloquially known as water hernia, swelling of the bags and blisters, is common, especially in newborns. The scrotum, where sperm are stored in men, is covered with a protective sheath with a double layer and membrane structure. There is some fluid between the layers, which allows the sperm to move more easily and protect themselves against external influences. This fluid is secreted by one of the layers and absorbed by the others. Under normal conditions, this process is in balance. If the balance is disrupted, the amount of fluid between the layers increases and the bag swells and becomes a filled sac. This formed sac is called hydrocele.

How does hydrocele occur and what are its causes?

Hydrocele is divided into two: congenital and adult hydrocele.

Congenital Hydrocele: During pregnancy, the babies’ testicles are located in the abdomen. After the 14th week of pregnancy, it moves under the abdomen and settles in the testicle bag called the scrotum. The peritoneum (abdominal membrane) accompanies the testicle’s journey to the scrotum, taking the shape of a glove finger. In the period following birth, the vesicle form of the peritoneum turns into a threadlike structure and closes. If the sac does not close, intra-abdominal fluid passes through the opening and accumulates around the testicle, causing swelling. This swelling, called hydrocele, is a congenital problem in newborns, but circulatory disorders, infections and tumors can also cause hydrocele.

Adult Hydrocele:

Hydrocele is usually seen in men over 40 years of age; It occurs due to radiotherapy, varicocele surgeries, testicular tumors, inflammatory diseases of the testicle and trauma to the scrotum. Unilateral hydrocele formation is observed in 70% of kidney transplant cases.

How to Understand Hydrocele?

Hydrocele, the frequency of which increases with age, is a benign formation and does not turn into cancer. Painless swelling in the testicles that gradually grows over time is among the symptoms of hydrocele. Hydrocele is monitored or treated depending on the size of the swelling, whether it causes pain, and the patient’s aesthetic concerns. Hydrocele seen in children is often accompanied by a hernia. In case of hydrocele with hernia, immediate surgical intervention is recommended. If hydrocele occurs alone, treatment can be waited until the age of 2, considering the possibility that it may improve over time. During the physical examination of hydrocele, light is shined on the swollen vesicles and the permeability of the light indicates that the vesicles are filled with fluid. Lack of light transmission may be an indication of tumor development in the vesicles.

Hydrocele Treatment

For hydrocele experienced in childhood, it is waited until the age of 2 and if spontaneous improvement does not occur, surgical treatment is recommended. Circumcision surgery is usually performed during hydrocele treatment. The surgical procedure for adult hydrocele treatment takes approximately 30-60 minutes. After the procedure, a drain is placed in the bag and the patient is usually observed for 24-48 hours. After the drain is removed, the patient is discharged. After hydrocele treatment, the patient is recommended to rest at home for a few days. Within 7 days, the patient’s stitches dissolve and he/she can take a bath. It is recommended to wear special panties that support the lifting of the bag continuously for 7 days. In the first week after the surgical procedure, painkillers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication are usually administered. The patient can have sexual intercourse two weeks after the operation and participate in sports activities after four weeks.

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