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Knee pain causes and treatment


Knee pain causes and treatment

The knee, one of the largest and most important joints of the body, plays an important role in carrying the body load and providing movement. Sudden pain in the knee occurs as a result of straining or suddenly hurting the knee. The knee, which carries the entire weight of the body, is also prone to damage during movements that require extra strength, such as jumping or running. For this reason, people who are overweight commonly complain of knee pain. Pain in both knees is generally a sign of joint arthritis. However, if there is pain in one knee, there may be different reasons.

Causes of knee pain

Strain: The most common cause of knee pain is strain. Due to strain, knee tissues are stretched and temporary pain occurs.

Meniscus: The meniscus, which is the rubbery intermediate tissue that acts as a shock absorber inside the knee joint, wears out as we age. The main cause of knee pain, especially in the middle and older age group, is meniscus wear. Meniscus tears caused by sudden bending, locking and swelling in the knee joint also cause knee pain.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis, which is the most prominent cause of knee pain seen especially in older age groups, is characterized by swelling in and around the protective cartilage tissue around the knee joint. Osteoarthritis can also occur in overweight people and people who have had a previous knee injury.

Tendon inflammation: Tendon inflammation, which occurs as a result of strain or damage to the tendons that provide the connection between the kneecap and the bones, is commonly seen in activities that involve jumping such as volleyball, basketball, football and handball. Pain in the knee area is accompanied by redness, warmth and swelling.

Anterior knee pain syndrome: Pain occurring in the front part of the knee around the kneecap is called anterior knee pain syndrome. Anterior knee pain is a type of pain whose cause is unknown. Knee pain becomes worse when squatting or sitting for long periods of time, or when climbing stairs.

Factors that cause pain in the knee include diseases such as intra-articular bleeding, Osgood-Schlatter disease, arthritis, gout and pseudogout.

What is good for knee pain?

If there is pain in the kneecap due to sprain or injury, the pain can be relieved in a short time. In order to prevent recurrence of knee pain that develops due to strain on the knee, it is necessary to do warm-up exercises before exercise and stretching exercises afterwards. Gradually increasing the exercise intensity and using body-supporting sports shoes while doing sports are valid for ankle pain. Knee pain treatment should be directed towards the cause, like all other diseases. In general, when treating knee pain, rest is recommended to relieve the pain. Heating pads for conditions such as arthritis and inflammation can relieve pain. Cold application is recommended to prevent swelling that accompanies knee pain due to strain. Meniscus treatment may also result in surgery, depending on the extent of damage.

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