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Laser Epilation and Laser Capillary Treatment


Laser Epilation and Laser Capillary Treatment

Laser Hair Removal FDA approved laser devices are used in our hospital. The laser beams we use in epilation are not beams that penetrate the skin; Even within the skin, these are the rays that only recognize the hair follicle. Therefore, they do not harm other elements of the skin. The number of sessions varies between 6-9 depending on skin phototype, body region, hormonal balance and hair color. If there is increased hair growth in women’s sideburns, moustache, chin, neck, nipples, middle of the chest and around the belly, the Skin Diseases Specialist evaluates the necessary hormonal analyzes before laser epilation and initiates the necessary treatments. This approach prevents laser sessions from taking longer and makes getting rid of unwanted hair faster.

How does laser epilation work?

Human skin is permeable to light. Hair, on the other hand, does not transmit light, because the abundant black melanin substance in it absorbs light. In the laser epilation process, laser light is highly concentrated in the hair root and turns into heat energy. Permanent damage occurs to the heated hair follicle and hair-producing cells, and this causes the hair follicle to lose its hair-producing function. Thus, at the end of successive sessions, the hairs are destroyed for a long time. However, since other parts of the skin are permeable to light, no side effects are observed since the heat does not concentrate in these areas.

What is the advantage of laser epilation method compared to other treatments?

Compared to needle epilation, laser epilation is painless and takes a very short time. For example, with laser epilation, the upper lips are cleaned of unwanted hair in 1-2 minutes and the armpits in 3-5 minutes. Laser epilation can be applied to large areas or even the whole body in the same session. If hygiene is not followed, diseases such as AIDS, Hepatitis B and C can be transmitted through the needle epilation method. However, there is no such risk in laser epilation. Additionally, laser epilation has no risk of leaving scars.

Is laser epilation successful?

To achieve successful results in laser epilation applications, the appropriate laser type and dose should be selected for skin color and hair structure. Repeating the sessions at regular intervals ensures more successful and faster results.

Is laser epilation safe?

Laser epilation technique has been used safely in medicine for approximately 30-40 years. Laser epilation has started to be widely used in the last 10-15 years. In addition, laser epilation does not have a carcinogenic effect. However, laser epilation should not be applied to various moles and brown spots without the decision of a dermatologist.

How many sessions are required for definitive treatment?

The hair on our body has growth (anagen), stagnation (catagen) and shedding (telogen) phases. Although it may vary depending on the region, approximately 30-70% of our hair is in the telogen phase. The moment when the hair is most sensitive to light is the anagen phase. In other stages, the hairs are not affected by light. For this reason, laser epilation must be repeated at regular intervals. Number of sessions in laser epilation; It varies depending on the body area applied, skin color, hair color, hair thinness-thickness and hormonal factors. For a permanent solution in laser epilation, an average of 3-8 sessions are required. In general, epilation sessions are longer in all areas in men and in the face area in women, and the hairs may remain thinner. In general, the lighter the skin color and the darker the hair color, the greater the success in laser epilation. Genital area, armpits and legs are the areas where the best results are obtained from laser epilation. Depending on all these factors, the success rate is 50-90%.

How are session intervals determined in laser epilation?

Session intervals in laser epilation may vary depending on the application area. Generally, applications are made every 4-8 weeks.

Does laser epilation have any side effects?

During laser epilation, the sensation of pain varies from person to person. This pain is mostly bearable and is described as feeling like a tire blow or a pinprick feeling. After the laser epilation session, redness and swelling may occur that last for a few minutes; But these side effects are temporary and do not affect the daily activities of patients. Superficial crusting on the skin treated with laser epilation is a temporary problem that can sometimes occur. Most of the time, this crusting disappears within days and the skin returns to normal. In rare cases, lightening or darkening of the skin, which we call discoloration, may be observed. In almost all cases, the skin returns to normal within 6-12 months. Thickening of the skin, called scar tissue, is a very rare side effect and may be permanent. If laser epilation is performed under the supervision of dermatologists and the correct laser type and dose is selected, there will be no side effects.

Can laser epilation be performed in summer?

The treatment can also be applied in the summer months. However, people who will receive the treatment should carefully apply the sun protection methods recommended by the doctor. Additionally, the application should not be applied to tanned skin and one should not stay in the sun after the application. When applied to bronze skin, side effects are observed and the success rate decreases.

How to prepare for laser epilation treatment?

Hair removal methods such as waxing, tweezing and threading should not be used at least one month before laser epilation. Sunbathing and solarium should not be done at least one month before. It is not right to apply it to bronze skin. It is sufficient to shave the area appropriately 3 days before the treatment. Application of local anesthetic cream is generally not necessary due to the active cold weather. Local anesthetic creams can be applied when necessary to patients with low pain threshold.

How is laser epilation applied?

In the laser epilation process, light is applied to the skin in beams. Each shot scans an area according to the size of the device head.

What should be done after laser epilation?

After laser epilation application, redness and slight swelling may occur around the hair. This reaction disappears within a few hours. Sometimes it may take up to 1-2 days. For this regional reaction, some creams and cooling process are applied. Patients should be informed about the points to be taken into consideration after the application. It is recommended that the applied area not be exposed to sunlight for two weeks and the use of high factor protector (at least SPF 15).

Laser capillary treatment

Laser treatment is performed for capillary vasodilatation in the face, legs and whole body. The best results are observed in thin capillary ruptures on the face and legs. The hemoglobin substance in the red blood cells in the vein absorbs the laser light and the veins are erased with the heat energy released. More than one session may be required depending on the width and thinness of the capillary. It is possible to return to daily life immediately after the laser procedure. If applied to sun-exposed areas, a high factor sunscreen should be used.

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