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Looking at the screen for a long time causes myopia


Looking at the screen for a long time causes myopia

Although there has been a gradual transition to face-to-face education, many courses still continue to be held online, that is, remotely. The amount of time children spend in front of the computer during the day is not small at all. This makes the problem of “myopia”, or short-sightedness, increasingly common in children. Anadolu Health Center Ophthalmology Specialist Op. states that in myopia, the eye structure is longer than normal from front to back or the corneal layer, that is, the transparent layer at the front of the eye, is curved more steeply forward. Dr. Yusuf Avni Yılmaz said, “Research shows that myopia has become more common among children in recent years. Researches; It shows that children who engage in near-focused activities, such as computer work, video games, and reading, have higher rates of myopia than those who spend more time indoors. We see that eye complaints are triggered during the pandemic, especially in children who receive online education. “Children’s eye examinations should not be neglected,” he said.

In some cases, myopia can be corrected with glasses, contact lenses or surgery. People with myopia have a higher risk of some eye diseases such as glaucoma and retinal tear compared to other people. The first question that families ask whose children have refractive errors such as myopia, especially if their child’s eye number increases at each examination, is “Isn’t there a way to stop this problem?” is happening. Doctors are looking for ways to slow the progression of myopia in children. While myopia cannot be reversed, the goal of treatment is to prevent it from getting worse.

It is important for the child to stay away from the screen during extracurricular times.

Nowadays, due to the pandemic, children spend more time in front of the computer. Considering this situation, myopia becomes more important. It is necessary to ensure that children spend as much time outside as possible during their free time from classes. By balancing screen time on computers or other digital devices with time spent outside except for compulsory situations (distance education, etc.), it is possible to limit the child’s myopia and help protect his vision as he grows.

Eye drops and special contact lenses treat myopia

Regular use of eye drops can slow the progression of myopia. Although it is not known exactly how it slows down the progression, it is thought to prevent the length between the front and back of the eye from increasing.

Special contact lenses can also be used by children with myopia between the ages of 6 and 12. A multifocal contact lens has different areas of focus. This type of lens has a design with multiple circles inside them. The center of the lens corrects blurred distance vision, while the outer parts of the lens blur the child’s peripheral (side) vision. Blurred side vision is thought to slow eye growth and limit myopia. However, using contact lenses is not as safe as glasses. While even adults who use contact lenses have problems with them, special care should be taken for children. Because contact lens-related corneal infections can result in serious vision problems.

Special lenses worn at night help correct the child’s cornea while he sleeps

There are also lenses that can be worn overnight to correct blurred distance vision. These lenses flatten the child’s cornea while he sleeps. The next day, light passing through the reshaped cornea falls precisely on the retina, making distant images appear clearer. However, wearing these lenses only improves vision for a short time. When you stop wearing lenses, the cornea slowly returns to its normal shape and myopia returns, although it may still provide some permanent reduction in the progression of myopia.

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