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Maasai Women Take on Poachers and Tradition in Kenya


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Fighting Poachers and Stereotypes: The Brave Women Rangers of Kenya

In the arid landscapes beneath Mount Kilimanjaro’s shadow, Maasai women embark on patrols, their mission twofold: protecting wildlife and challenging entrenched patriarchal norms. Operating near Amboseli National Park in southern Kenya, members of Team Lioness silently navigate the terrain, their vigilant eyes scanning for signs of poachers.

Spotting a giraffe amidst the trees, the rangers swiftly communicate their observations via walkie talkie, documenting the diverse wildlife they encounter. For these women, tracking wildlife and thwarting poaching activities constitute their primary duties.

Purity Lakara, the team leader, recalls a significant arrest in 2022 when they apprehended a poacher in the act of slaughtering a giraffe. However, combating longstanding prejudices within the Maasai community presents a parallel challenge to their conservation efforts.

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Despite the fading tradition of lion hunts as a rite of passage, other patriarchal practices persist, including child marriage and female genital mutilation, despite being outlawed. Lakara, echoing the sentiments of many Maasai women, confronts the notion that physically demanding roles are unsuitable for women.

Expressing determination to alter these perceptions, Lakara underscores her aspiration to become a ranger as a catalyst for change within her community. Yet, she acknowledges the uphill battle in garnering familial support for her pursuit.

Sharon Nankinyi, undeterred by familial skepticism, recounts the initial disbelief from her parents, who urged her to embrace domestic responsibilities instead. Yet, through resilience and determination, Nankinyi, like her peers, has shattered stereotypes, earning recognition as a courageous Maasai woman turned ranger.

Community leader Naiswaku Parsitau, initially hesitant about the concept of female rangers, now extols their invaluable role in safeguarding livestock from predators. Witnessing the rangers’ dedication, Parsitau recognizes their potential to inspire other women.

Saitrbru Kimakori, a fellow herder, admits initial doubts about the women’s capabilities but acknowledges their steadfast commitment, even during nighttime calls to action.

Team Lioness, consisting of 17 women, operates independently from the government-run Kenya Wildlife Service, funded by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Overcoming initial resistance, the initiative has gained traction, with local leaders championing gender inclusivity.

In the village of Endoinyoenkai, gender norms are gradually evolving, as community leader Kenneth Saei voices unequivocal support for the women rangers. Embracing the notion of women’s capabilities in diverse professions, Saei advocates for inclusivity and opportunity.

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