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Okay for Sec It for 14 minutes okay d For m London so Saud Arabia coing Saudi Arabia does it mean what is the Problem For For for for So Fore Spe for for for Real [Laughter] voice for for For Uganda E Arabia For M Cal SE Str AG for Yeah because Sud [Laughter] Gra fore For Otherwise it will liit your movements for for St what hope we have done yeah Jes a very good evening thank you for joining us this is Enzo 90.8 Metro FM I’m the chief Magistrate Court in nakawa has issued fresh fresh summons against M mly katanga over the mother of a businessman Henry katanga who was also her husband today when the cat came up

Formation the trial Chief magistrate Aras skaka was told that Miss katanga and her daughter mawan katanga to whom the court earlier issued criminal summons were not in court they were represented by lawyer lawyers including Elon karanga J and Bruce mingi who told that mly katanga was advised to be kept under the

Doctor’s watch due to severe hate and brain injuries and the Heart fracture she suffed the court has also told that her daughter mawan has just given birth and suffers from postp pum effects for which doctors at Roswell Hospital recomed that she to needs close supervision the presiding Chief magistrate Elias kakosa consequently

Declined to issue an arrest warranty as asked by the DPP against the duel and instead extended the criminal summons requiring the two to appear on the January 8th 2024 prosecution alleged that mly katanga killed her husband Henry katanga with maliss a For Thought whereas her daughter Matha kwanzi is accused of

Destroying evidence related to the murder the the DPP represented maram [ __ ] told court today that investigations into the murder of katanga are still ongoing the opposition form for de for for Democratic change has asked youas to make noise over wasteful expenditures by the government speaking to the media at FDC headquarters in Nan

Kum the party Secretary General Harold kaija has called upon ugandans to ask for accountability of 8 billion Ugandan shillings taxpayers money misuse for climate conference cop 28 in Dubai says the money spent on cop 28 conference could cover nearly to six new buil schools d present your s has directed The

Ministries of health and gender to intensify efforts in promoting immunization the president emphasized the crucial role immunization plays in preventing disabilities among infants when followed according to shedules minister for agenda betong highlighted the government’s commitment to tackling the lack of assisted devices a pressing issue forcing many disate individuals to

Crawl she reveals the president’s directive to subsidize the cost of these devices ensuring accessibility for the economically disadv disadvantaged disabled community however persons with disabilities Express concern over continued marginalization even the government funded initiatives like yoga and the parish development model Asanda joins the rest of the world commor the

International Day of persons with disabilities which is celebrated every third of December these developments Mark a significant step forward in addressing the challenges faced by the disabled Community with a renewed focus on the health care and accessibility and mo newsa Kingdom has launched a campaign to end early marriages and

Teenager pregnancies according to a report released by the United Nations population Fund in 20121 C and M District stopped teenage pregnancy cases registering 6,000 535 and 6,25 respectively a section of culture leaders and parents attribute the CES to some cultural practices Aria Mong clan leader from chiguru Chi says that the

Practice or forcing Tage girls who have given birth to marry their Partners even when they underage is contributing to the increase in early marriages joa abali wano the state minister of gender women and children’s Affairs in SOA Kingdom says that they are training young people between ages of 9 to 18

Years on the basics of using culture to and teenage pregnancies and early marriages says that through their platform of aanga they are training 500 boys and girls from 11 Chiefs OFA with self-esteem skills which help them to resist any form of Temptations luring them into early sexual activities this

Tangu being held at Rena College in Maya district is running under the theme of using culture to end early marriages and keep childrens in schools aalu says that children have been offered a platform where they can freely share experiences with their PE and also propose practical measures of keeping in schools

Throughout the education time andon roads have continued to to be tra with the latest figures from traffic police indicating that at least 64 people were killed in one week according to traffic police spokesperson pendant of police Michael canura between November 26th and December 2nd a total of 329 accidents were recorded around

The country he explained that of the fatalities 31 were in accidents involving motorcycles in which 12 were passengers 19 Riders and 21 pedestrians the traffic police spokesperson explained that accidents were caused mostly by improper overtaking and overp speeding while on the road traffic police also warned that they will this

Week start operations targeting vehicles in dangerous mechanical condition this comes at the festive Seasons draws near the number of crashes on Ugandan roads has in the past years increased during the festive season as motorist disregard traffic guidelines to be time to enjoy various festivities and finally I news from the

International scene several African governments are defending their decisions to send large delegations to the cop 28 climate conference in Dubai and WID spread criticism of financial extravagancy the un’s attendance list reviewed that Nigeria Morocco Kenya Tanzania Ghana and Uganda were among the countries that signed the biggest teams Nigeria SED

1,411 people followed by Morocco with 823 and Kenya with 765 people many many have accused the government of being insensitive of their polite by spending huge sums of money on the delegations when they were battling to come out every month because of the rising cost of food and other best

Commodities representatives of Nigeria and Kenya on Sunday say that many of the delate Del gets on their list were not publicly funded as they were representing the media Civil Society organizations and private institutions in a statement the Tanzanian government said more than 90% of the delegations from the country were sponsored by the

Private sector that’s 90.8 m 90.8 Metro fmug Wish you a Merry Christmas I want to wish you a Merry Christmas This station is redated by the Uganda Communications Commission Ug fore spee For Spee For Pro For for They are not offic of influence yes UGA one fore For Value Have research besides EXC Pering That different Distintive so I think let’s have promoters think of the the brands you’re taking and musicians should also have a way of strengthening and adding value to their brands um adding uh strengthening and adding value to their Contract cont East Africans number vocalist f an C no no no No Africa d


  1. @sserunjuba says

    Yea man

  2. @obamabashir7067 says


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