What time is Mid like You this This I’m going That TR There’s a population of people give me big Two guys me no time no time Empty dry chips I want give chips chips Keeps chips chips what is big Done what so you guys are laughing at Me theyre the price in the morning I to so yeah the other one no it is not like this exactly but um it is it was Jewish but not like this for sugar cane it was for sugar cane sugar cane juice so I told him I want je he told me
200 uh I asked him what do you put in your je what what so he didn’t know English he called another guy and when the other guy said I don’t know it’s 1,000 it is 1,000 I said what this one told me how can you tell me 1,000 so
They increased the prices because they knew yeah they knew that I don’t know that’s why they increased the prices [Applause] That’s the sugar juice that’s they get those the thing they put that My Me Go That you give me That’s Small Give need two pieces and brown here wa for Simba I’m learning That I see any See Like The lifestyle you