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Police Probes Theft of Jinja Hospital Air Conditioner


Police in the Kiira region are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the theft of an air conditioner from the premises of Jinja Regional Referral Hospital. The air conditioner, valued at approximately 1.6 million Shillings, is believed to have been stolen from the hospital’s laboratory earlier this month. 

This incident comes amidst previous theft cases at Jinja Hospital between 2018 and 2020, during which several pieces of equipment disappeared under mysterious circumstances. In response to these thefts, hospital administrators installed CCTV cameras to curb such incidents. While this appeared to bring a period of relative peace, the recent disappearance of the air conditioner has raised concerns. 

Hospital staff, speaking anonymously, express surprise that the suspects cannot be traced through the CCTV footage, which was installed specifically to prevent such thefts. These staff members also note that despite designated parking areas and security protocols, some hospital employees flout these rules, potentially facilitating theft without detection.

Kiira regional police spokesperson, James Mubi, confirms the incident and states that forensic experts have been deployed to review the available CCTV footage. Their objective is to carefully analyze the evidence and determine what occurred during the period when the air conditioner went missing. Additionally, Mubi announces that a general inquiry has been initiated to explore the preliminary reports suggesting the possibility of insider involvement in the crime.

He emphasizes the importance of hospital administrators tightening security measures within operational areas to combat the growing trend of equipment and drug thefts. Mubi urges departmental heads to exercise vigilance and restrict access to their units, with the aim of reducing instances of criminal activity. 

“We have a police post backing up the hospital’s employed guards and it is our general call on departmental heads to exercise vigilance and restrict access to their units, which will overtime reduce this new wave of criminality of stealing equipment,” he said.


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