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Skin Crack


Skin Crack

Stretch marks are tears in the dermis layer of the skin that occur when the skin cannot withstand excessive stretching. The main cause of skin stretch marks is hormones. For this reason, changes such as pregnancy, puberty, rapid weight gain, and sudden weight loss accompany hormonal changes, causing stretch marks on the skin.

What is skin crack?

Stretch marks are tears in the dermis layer of the skin that occur when the skin cannot withstand excessive stretching. The main cause of skin stretch marks is hormones. For this reason, changes such as pregnancy, puberty, rapid weight gain, and sudden weight loss accompany hormonal changes, causing stretch marks on the skin. As it is known among the public, the stress that occurs in the body as a result of rapid weight gain and loss or sudden muscle building does not cause skin stretch marks. Here, it is the hormones that actually cause skin cracks.

What are the symptoms of skin stretch marks?

Symptoms of skin cracks are extremely obvious. In the area where it occurs on the body, thin wounds appear that appear red and torn and turn white over time.

What is the treatment for skin stretch marks?

In removing cracks that are difficult to treat; Roller therapy is used. It is a method in which the body’s wound healing mechanisms are triggered and as a result, new collagen synthesis is achieved. A medical device called a roller is used during skin rejuvenation, treatment of acne scars and roller application for skin cracks. When the roller device is applied to the skin, the needles on the cylindrical drum open microchannels on the skin. These channels can be thought of as a kind of passage opening under the skin. During the application, thousands of open doors are obtained under the skin without causing any damage to the epidermis, the protective layer of the skin. These doors close automatically within 15 minutes, triggering the release of growth factors in the skin; Increases collagen and elastin production. In this way, the general quality of the skin texture, the brightness and firmness of the skin increases. While it allows the patient to have a younger and healthier appearance, the top layer of the skin is not damaged in any way. In this way, the patient is not disconnected from his social and business life. Since the procedure does not cause sun sensitivity, there is no risk of blemishes. The number of applications varies from patient to patient and the duration of treatment varies depending on the severity of the problem, the depth of the scars and the duration of the person’s healing response.

Does the cream work on stretch marks?

For stretch marks on the body that have not yet increased significantly, cosmetic treatment methods to moisturize the skin can be used. It is necessary to apply treatment methods such as peeling, laser, microdermabrasion and mesotherapy regularly. Here, it should not be expected that skin cracks will disappear 100 percent. Although many methods have been developed to treat skin stretch marks, there is no completely eradicative treatment method yet. However, the appearance of skin stretch marks can be reduced a little with some treatments. When the skin crack turns white, the treatment approaches are slightly reduced. In the case of white cracks, the effect of the treatment in eliminating stretch marks decreases. The results obtained from the treatment vary depending on the structure of the skin.

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