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Speech Disorder


Speech Disorder

It is the inability to pronounce speech sounds properly or fluently due to some problems that occur in the person during verbal communication.

It is the inability to pronounce speech sounds properly or fluently due to some problems that occur in the person during verbal communication. These problems; It is the slurring of speech, slow, hoarse, stuttering or rapid speech, stiff facial muscles, drooling from the mouth, difficult access to words and sudden contraction of the muscles related to the voice.

What is speech disorder?

It is the inability to pronounce speech sounds properly or fluently due to some problems that occur in the person during verbal communication. These problems; It is the slurring of speech, slow, hoarse, stuttering or rapid speech, stiff facial muscles, drooling from the mouth, difficult access to words and sudden contraction of the muscles related to the voice. There may be many reasons for speech disorders. Among these; brain tumor, head trauma, Alzheimer’s, dementia, alcohol addiction, stroke, tight or loose dentures, polyps on the vocal cords, voice cancer, voice misuse, caffeinated drinks and antidepressant drugs.

Speech disorder begins in childhood. Language and speech disorders occur due to certain disorders in children who have reached the speaking age and have not yet completed this development. Sometimes genetic, psychological and anatomical factors may cause receptive language not to develop. For example, a child with autism has no delay in gross motor development, but language development is delayed. Children who do not want to communicate and have very little eye contact, or who have different disorders such as hearing impairment, mental disability, or Down syndrome, may also have the problem of not being able to acquire the language. When it comes to language and speech disorders, the most common ones in childhood are stuttering and articulation disorders (such as saying tapi instead of door). Apart from these, there are also children who are 3 years old but use single words or do not speak at all. Children in this group, called delayed speech or delayed language, need to be carefully evaluated.

Which doctor to see for speech disorder?

If the child has symptoms of speech disorder, a speech therapist should be consulted.

What are the symptoms of speech disorder?

In adults, involuntary movements in the vocal cords while speaking, speaking in a hoarse voice, inability to express what is desired, difficulty in thinking, and changes in the voice are observed. In children, it is usually around the age of two and can be seen when they are not yet able to speak. Because until the age of one, a baby is expected to say words with the same syllables, such as “daddy, grandpa, mama”. Later, the child begins to say other words such as “mother” by combining two different syllables, and then begins to express people and objects that he frequently encounters in daily life. Around the age of two, he can say simple sentences such as “mom, get it, daddy, come.” If the child has a speech disorder, the following symptoms are observed:

• Not starting to talk even after reaching a certain age.
• Falling behind in development compared to peers
• Trying to communicate with signs or single words
• Inability to form sentences
• Chemical
• Inability to pronounce some speech sounds
• The voice sounds hoarse or different from normal
• Speaking too fast to affect understanding
• Swallowing sounds and/or syllables

How to correct speech disorders?

Treatment of speech disorder varies depending on the cause of the problem. But whatever the cause of the problem, treatment with a speech therapist is necessary. A detailed evaluation is made regarding the problem causing the speech disorder. These are performed through testing or different invasive procedures. A therapy program is created based on the results of the evaluations. This is applied at times and as often as the person needs, and the speech problem is tried to be eliminated with the training provided.

In children, follow-ups with a pediatrician from birth to the age of two are extremely important in terms of early diagnosis of existing language and speech disorders. Speech disorders can be monitored and detected with simple questions at the child’s monthly doctor’s check-ups. When a problem is encountered, evaluation by a multidisciplinary team is very important. This team (child neurologist, child psychiatrist, ENT doctor, plastic surgeon, developmental psychologist, pedagogue, audiologist, special education teacher, physiotherapist, sensory integration specialist…) should evaluate the child from their own perspective when necessary. Thus, in the light of the information obtained, it may be possible to determine the causes of language and speech disorders through early diagnosis and to progress the therapy more successfully. Methods such as standardized tests, skill inventories and development scales are also used to diagnose language and speech disorders. After a diagnosis of language and speech disorders is made, therapy sessions are organized 1 or 2-3 days a week with problem-specific therapy techniques and methods. The treatment process varies depending on the type, severity and level of the disorder.

What should parents do against speech disorders?

• Observe your child well until the age of two.
• If you have suspicions that your child has a problem with language and speech, the problem has started. Be sure to get support from a speech and language therapist.
• Take care to attend speech and language therapy together as parents.
• Do not postpone the problem by not acknowledging it.
• Do not reinforce incorrect speech at home.
• If he gets stuck while talking; Do not intervene such as “breathe” or “why are you doing this?”
• Make eye contact and don’t interrupt.
• While reading books, create the integrity of the story by choosing age-appropriate books and describing the pictures.
• Remember that your child reads and understands your facial expressions very well. So don’t reflect your tension and anxiety, if you can’t succeed, get support for yourself.
• Play games with your child.
• Send your child to play groups 2-3 days a week for your child to socialize and acquire language more easily.

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