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Stomach Bleeding: What is it, its symptoms, what causes it and how to cure it.


Stomach Bleeding: What is it, its symptoms, what causes it and how to cure it.

There are many systems in the human body. One of these systems is the gastrointestinal system.

There are many systems in the human body. One of these systems is the gastrointestinal system. The gastrointestinal system is examined in two parts: upper and lower. The stomach is located in the upper part of this system. All bleeding that may occur in the stomach for any reason is called gastric bleeding. Since it can occur due to very serious conditions, it is important for the patient’s life to diagnose and treat it as quickly as possible. However, in many cases, patients do not realize that they are experiencing stomach bleeding. Therefore, it is necessary to know what the symptoms of stomach bleeding are and what diseases they occur due to. In this way, patients can evaluate their own bodies and be examined without wasting time.

What is Stomach Bleeding?

Gastric bleeding is defined as bleeding at any point in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal system; It consists of the large intestine, small intestine, esophagus, stomach, rectum and anus. Stomach bleeding is not a medical disease in itself. It is a symptom that may occur as a result of one or more diseases. Depending on which part of the gastrointestinal system the bleeding occurs, it is called upper bleeding or lower bleeding. Since the stomach is located in the upper part of this system, it is also called upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Stomach bleeding, which can occur due to many different conditions, is more common in men than women, according to research. Especially in our country, where the rate of drug use is high, stomach bleeding is frequently seen due to the side effects of drugs, and these are very serious situations. Stomach bleeding may occur due to many factors such as intensive use of tobacco products, gastritis, ulcers, tumors and unhealthy diet. It is useful to learn the symptoms and causes of stomach bleeding, which is a very risky situation, so that it does not become life-threatening.

What are the symptoms of stomach bleeding?

Since the causes of bleeding in the stomach, which is a part of the upper gastrointestinal system, are many, the symptoms are also quite diverse. Depending on the patient, the symptoms of stomach bleeding caused by sudden and emergency situations may be more severe, while the symptoms of mild bleeding may be less obvious and less severe. However, in any case, this should be taken seriously and treated without delay. Symptoms of bleeding occurring in the inner wall of the stomach, which is examined in several different structures, appear as weakness, abdominal pain, fatigue, heartburn, anemia and dizziness. Early symptoms of acute stomach bleeding include vomiting red blood, blood in the stool, black or tarry stools, and vomiting blood that looks like coffee grounds. As a result of this bleeding, blood loss also occurs. Symptoms of blood loss can be listed as fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and abdominal cramps, pale skin, low blood pressure, faster than normal pulse, little or no urination, and loss of consciousness. Apart from this, the most common symptoms of stomach bleeding include;

  • Indigestion and the resulting bloating,
  • Going to the toilet with diarrhea,
  • Sweating more than normal,
  • Drop in blood pressure and consequent darkening of the eyes,
  • It is listed as difficulty in standing and fainting.

What Causes Stomach Bleeding?

One of the main reasons for stomach bleeding is injury to the point where the esophagus and stomach meet. Some varicose-like structures, which are mostly caused by liver diseases and seen in the lower parts of the esophagus, may rupture or burst over time, causing stomach bleeding. Tumors affecting the upper gastrointestinal system affect the stomach in later stages, causing bleeding. Bacteria that cause infection, such as Helicobacter pylori, can lead to the development of peptic ulcers. The disease, called peptic ulcer, causes open sores to develop in the lining of the stomach or duodenum. For this reason, as peptic ulcer progresses, it causes stomach bleeding. Tears in the walls of the esophagus cause injuries and bleeding. This condition is medically called “Mallory-Weiss Syndrome”. Blood thinners used extensively in the treatment of some heart diseases, especially by the elderly, can cause stomach bleeding. For this reason, it is very important to use the medications used as prescribed, taking into account their side effects.

How to Diagnose Stomach Bleeding?

First of all, a physical examination is performed to evaluate the symptoms. Along with the physical examination, information about the patient’s medical history is obtained and some tests are performed. Blood tests are performed to determine liver functions, platelet count and blood coagulation values. In addition, stool tests are performed to analyze the stool and determine the cause of bleeding, if any. To examine the gastrointestinal system, a camera can be inserted into the body through the mouth with the help of endoscopy. The purpose of this is to detect the location and level of bleeding, if any. Colonoscopy is also among the tests performed to examine the large intestine and rectum. Taking a sample from the stomach or any point of the gastrointestinal tract for biopsy is also among the diagnostic methods that can be applied. An intravenous dye injection test called angiography may also be performed to detect the vessels causing bleeding or to understand other abnormalities. With this test, the source of bleeding can be determined. In addition to all these tests, imaging of the whole body may be required with computed tomography. However, in very rare cases, the source of bleeding may not always be detected. In such cases, doctors may perform surgical intervention to see the entire gastrointestinal system.

What are the symptoms that occur with stomach bleeding?

Stomach bleeding is known as a serious symptom that is often accompanied by other diseases. For this reason, the symptoms of the disease that causes gastric bleeding may occur together with the symptoms of gastric bleeding. Thus, it is among the situations where symptoms are expected to be more diverse. If stomach bleeding occurs due to a tumor in the gastrointestinal system, the symptoms of the tumor accompany the symptoms of gastric bleeding. This situation is evaluated in the same way for other diseases and symptoms. Still, common symptoms include;

  • Loss of appetite caused by stomach bleeding,
  • Stomach pains due to wounds in the stomach,
  • Drop in blood pressure due to blood loss,
  • Darkening of the eyes occurs due to low blood pressure.

These symptoms are serious conditions that occur due to bleeding. Patients should take these symptoms seriously and seek treatment without delay. Otherwise, stomach bleeding may cause serious health problems and endanger human life.

How to Treat Stomach Bleeding?

All treatments to be used to relieve stomach bleeding must be applied correctly. For this reason, it is very important to detect the source of bleeding. Gastroscopy is among the methods used to detect bleeding. After detection, heat methods can be applied along with medication to stop bleeding. In order to avoid endangering the patient’s health, drug therapy may be needed for a while after the bleeding is stopped. If diseases such as ulcers cause bleeding, the ulcer must be treated. The treatment method called hemoclips, which is used to close the bleeding area in the stomach, is also frequently used. As the wounds heal, these clips fall off on their own and the treatment ends. If there is bleeding due to stomach cancer or any cancer in the gastrointestinal system, treatment methods with radiotherapy or chemotherapy can be applied. Treatment methods applied through endoscopy can be used to treat bleeding caused by varicose veins. If treatment methods are ineffective, it may be possible to treat gastric bleeding with surgical intervention.

In order to live a healthy life, the symptoms of stomach bleeding should be taken seriously and examined without delay. Thus, treatment of the disease may be possible without causing more serious problems.

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