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Thyme Tea: What is it, Benefits, Consumption


Thyme Tea: What is it, Benefits, Consumption

Thyme, which is grown especially in temperate climates such as the Mediterranean region, is one of the popular spices in kitchens.

Thyme, which is grown especially in temperate climates such as the Mediterranean region, is one of the popular spices in kitchens. Thyme tea, prepared by brewing thyme leaves and/or flowers, is an herbal tea known for its health benefits. You can read the rest of the article for anything you wonder about thyme tea.

What is Thyme Tea?

Thyme is a plant that belongs to the thyme family and has more than 400 varieties, according to research. Since ancient times, thyme has been used as a support for various health problems. Thyme tea is prepared by brewing fresh thyme branches or dried thyme leaves with hot water. Thyme tea has numerous health benefits, especially cardiovascular health.

What are the Benefits of Thyme Tea?

Thyme plant contains important nutrients. Approximately 1 gram of thyme contains; It contains important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin K, calcium, iron and manganese. These properties of thyme tea make it a herbal tea that has positive effects on health. The main known benefits of thyme tea are as follows:

  • It may help control blood pressure: According to some studies conducted in laboratory settings, thyme may help lower blood pressure.

  • It is rich in antioxidants: As a result of various chemical reactions in the body, unstable molecules called free radicals are released. These unstable molecules can damage healthy cells around them in order to become stable. Substances called antioxidants fight oxidative stress in the body by helping to stabilize free radicals. Compounds such as thymol and phytol found in thyme are important antioxidants. Thanks to these antioxidants, thyme tea can help fight oxidative stress in the body.

  • It may help relieve the digestive system: According to some scientific research on thyme, it contains important components with antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. In this way, thyme tea can help fight germs and bacteria in the stomach and intestines. In addition, thyme tea can also help relax the digestive system and relieve indigestion.

  • It can help strengthen the immune system: Components such as vitamins and minerals contained in thyme; It can help strengthen the immune system.

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties: According to some scientific studies, anti-inflammatory components such as thymol found in thyme can help fight inflammation in the body.

  • It may have positive effects on skin health: Thyme tea is rich in antioxidants, which are also important for skin health. Additionally, thyme tea also has antibacterial properties. Therefore, thyme tea can help relieve symptoms related to skin problems such as acne and fungus.

  • May help soothe respiratory tract: Some research shows that the anti-inflammatory properties of thyme may help relieve respiratory complaints such as cough and runny nose. In other words, thyme tea; It can help relieve symptoms such as sore throat, nasal congestion, and cough.

  • It may help reduce menstrual pain: According to some research, thyme tea may help regulate the menstrual cycle and relieve menstrual pain.

  • It may help with weight control: There are some studies showing that the substance called thymol found in thyme may help with weight control.

  • It can reduce stress: According to some studies, the phenolic compounds found in thyme tea can help reduce stress and anxiety.

How to Make Thyme Tea?

Thyme tea is a type of herbal tea prepared by brewing fresh thyme branches or thyme flowers. To make thyme tea, a pinch of thyme and some hot water are sufficient. While making thyme tea, first pour half a liter of water into a teapot and boil it. Then, put approximately 1 teaspoon of dry or fresh thyme into a glass and add boiling water. Leave it to brew, covered, for 10-15 minutes. After brewing, it is filtered and consumed. Optionally, a teaspoon of honey and lemon can be added.

What are the Harms of Thyme Tea?

For most people, thyme tea is considered safe when not consumed in excessive amounts. However, it is recommended that those who are allergic to plants such as mint and lavender, which belong to the thyme family, should avoid consuming thyme tea. In addition, excessive consumption of thyme tea may cause some side effects. The main side effects of thyme tea can be listed as follows:

  • According to some research, excessive consumption of thyme may cause migraine headaches in people.

  • According to research, thyme may help lower blood pressure. For this reason, it is especially important for people with a chronic health problem such as hypertension to consult a specialist doctor before consuming thyme tea.

  • Thyme tea is known for its positive effects on the digestive system. However, in some people, thyme tea may cause complaints such as heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

  • Excessive consumption of thyme tea; It may cause allergic reactions such as redness and itching.

  • Thyme may interact with some prescription medications, especially antidiabetics and antihypertensives. It is recommended that those who regularly use medications seek advice from their doctors when consuming herbal teas, including thyme tea.

Who Should Not Consume Thyme Tea?

Thyme tea is one of the herbal teas consumed by many people since ancient times due to its pleasant scent and strong antioxidant properties. However, thyme tea consumption may be harmful for some people. The most common of these people are people with chronic health problems such as hypertension and diabetes. Consuming thyme tea for these people may cause their blood pressure or blood sugar to drop uncontrollably. However, according to some research, thyme has a feature that accelerates blood circulation. For this reason, it is not recommended for those who use blood-thinning medications or those who will soon undergo a surgical operation to consume thyme tea without consulting their doctor. It is not recommended for those who are allergic to plants in the honeydew family such as mint, lavender, sage and basil to consume thyme tea. At the same time, some studies show that thyme can act like estrogen in the body, so those who use hormone medications should avoid thyme consumption.

Can Thyme Tea Be Consumed During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the fetus in the expectant mother’s womb benefits from the food and drinks consumed by the mother through the placenta. During this process, both the beneficial nutrients consumed by the mother and the harmful nutrients reach the baby. Although there are not enough scientific studies on the consumption of thyme tea during pregnancy, some studies show that thyme acts like estrogen in the body, so pregnant women should consult their doctors before consuming thyme and thyme tea. Additionally, some laboratory studies on thyme oil consumption show that thyme may cause miscarriage and premature birth in pregnant women.

Thyme is one of the herbs that have numerous health benefits, thanks to the important nutritional components found in its structure. People who do not have any health problems can consume 3 cups of thyme tea a day. However, it is important for women, especially during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and those taking any medications to consult a healthcare professional before consuming thyme tea. Do not forget to consult a health institution and get information on any issue related to your health.

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