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What are the benefits of flaxseed?


What are the benefits of flaxseed?

Flaxseed is the seed obtained from the flax plant.

Flaxseed is the seed obtained from the flax plant. Flax plant is a plant whose homeland is Egypt. Although the flax plant has been used in different areas since ancient times, it has recently come to the fore with the production of flaxseed. Flaxseed can be defined as a completely brown oilseed that resembles sesame. Flaxseed has many benefits thanks to its rich content of protein, fiber, omega 3, antioxidants, various vitamins and minerals. Flaxseed is recommended by nutritionists to be consumed in daily nutrition due to its effects on protecting against cardiovascular diseases, supporting immunity, and lowering high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

What are the benefits of flaxseed?

Flaxseed has many health benefits thanks to its nutritional content.

  • Flaxseed has a high vegetable protein content. In this respect, consumption of flaxseed can be recommended in cases where protein is needed. Additionally, flaxseed may be a good choice as a vegetable protein for people who do not generally consume animal protein. At the same time, flaxseed proteins have a special antifungal effect. Thanks to this feature, flaxseed can be combined with other foods to benefit from its mold prevention feature. On the other hand, studies show that flaxseed causes a decrease in the glycemic index of foods, thanks to its protein content.

  • Flaxseed is a food rich in omega 3, one of the healthy fats. Omega 3 fatty acids; It is responsible for various regulatory functions such as blood pressure, immune system response and the breakdown of fats. Flaxseed protects against cardiovascular diseases due to its omega 3 and fiber content. There are studies showing that high blood pressure decreases with regular consumption of flaxseed. It can also help reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, popularly known as bad cholesterol, and increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, known as good cholesterol. In addition, flaxseed can positively support brain functions thanks to its omega 3 content.

  • Flaxseed is a food with high antioxidant value. Antioxidants can reduce cell damage from oxidative stress and slow the aging process. In this respect, it is effective in tightening the skin, reducing wrinkles and moisturizing the skin. In these respects, flaxseed has prominent benefits, especially in skin health. On the other hand, flaxseed has an important place in preventing diseases by supporting the body’s immune system, thanks to its antioxidant-rich content.

  • Flaxseed has several benefits for the body, thanks to its rich content of soluble and insoluble fibers. It has positive effects on digestive system health. Thanks to its insoluble fibers, it is effective in facilitating bowel movements and facilitating evacuation. Thanks to this feature, it has a useful content for people suffering from constipation. At the same time, fiber-rich foods are effective in supporting beneficial bacteria in the intestines. In addition, fiber-rich foods can provide long-term satiety. In this way, it is effective in healthy weight control. Thanks to its rich fiber content, flaxseed is among the frequently recommended foods for digestive system health.

  • Consuming flaxseed has benefits in balancing blood sugar. Studies show that people who consume flaxseed in their daily diet have balanced blood sugar. Thanks to these benefits, flaxseed can be recommended by nutritionists to patients who have problems with blood sugar balance, such as insulin resistance and diabetes.

  • Flaxseed has a protective effect against cancer thanks to the lignan it contains. Studies have shown that malignant tumors decrease with the lignan intake of flaxseed consumption. In addition, the phenolic and phytic acids in flaxseed may reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer.

  • Flaxseed is one of the herbal foods that has a structure similar to the estrogen hormone in women, thanks to the lignan it contains. Regular consumption of flaxseed has protective properties against breast cancer. In addition, daily consumption of flaxseed has a positive effect in reducing the problems experienced by women during menopause.

How Should Flax Seeds Be Consumed?

To benefit from the benefits of flaxseed, it is important to consume it fresh. Flaxseed can be consumed in several ways.

  1. It can be consumed in seed form. Flaxseed can be consumed directly without any processing. In this form, it can be preferred raw by adding it to products such as salads and yoghurt. However, consumption in seed form may be difficult to digest and may cause bloating in people. This situation should be taken into consideration.

  1. It can be consumed in ground form. When ground flaxseed is consumed, it is easier to digest and the benefits provided are higher than in the seed form. In this form, ground flaxseed can be used in various areas in daily nutrition. However, once ground flaxseed is ground, it should be consumed without waiting. Because the probability of deterioration in its ground form is higher than in its seed form.

  1. It can be consumed in the form of oil. Flaxseed oil is a widely consumed food. Flaxseed oil can be used in all other areas where oil is used in daily nutrition. For example, in salads, meals, etc. However, linseed oil has low heat resistance, so it is generally recommended to be consumed cold.

Flaxseed has different advantages and disadvantages in terms of consumption. For example, the benefits of fiber content cannot be enjoyed when consumed in the form of fat. These situations should be taken into consideration. In addition, no matter how it is consumed, the daily amount should not be exceeded.

How Much Flax Seed Should Be Consumed?

The consumption amount of flaxseed may vary depending on the person’s age, gender and health status. Generally, it is recommended for adults to consume 1-2 tablespoons of ground flaxseed per day. However, some people may have digestive or allergic sensitivity to flaxseed. Therefore, it can be consumed by trying small amounts before consumption. On the other hand, if you have any disease, it is important to consult a nutritionist before consuming flaxseed.

Storage conditions of flaxseed are also an important step in order to benefit from its benefits at the highest level. Flaxseed should be stored in a cool, dry place. Additionally, since it is an oilseed, it is important to store it in a dark and airtight container. If flaxseeds are to be consumed by grinding, it is generally recommended to grind them just before consumption. Because ground flaxseed may oxidize and spoil more quickly than its seed form. For people living in hot and humid regions, it may be recommended to keep flaxseed in the refrigerator to use it for a longer period of time. The freshness and nutritional value of flaxseed can be preserved when stored by paying attention to the storage conditions.

What are the situations when flaxseed should not be consumed?

Flaxseed has many health benefits when consumed in recommended amounts in healthy people. Some problems may occur in some disease cases or when excessive flaxseed is consumed. If consumed excessively, the phytic acid in flaxseed may affect bone development by binding to zinc and calcium in the body. On the other hand, frequent uncontrolled consumption of flaxseed may cause vitamin B6 deficiency and kidney disorders. It may also be a risk factor for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers due to its effects on the estrogen hormone. Consuming flaxseeds is generally not recommended by nutritionists.

Flaxseed is a prominent food in a healthy diet with its many benefits for the human body. However, controlled consumption is important. There are some negative situations that may occur in case of any disease or excessive consumption. Although some people are healthy, it may disturb their digestive systems or be allergic. Considering all these reasons, a doctor or nutritionist should be consulted before consuming flaxseed.

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