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What is Current? Why Does It Happen?


What is Current? Why Does It Happen?

It is the removal of residues from the vaginal tissue, which constantly renews itself with cervical secretions.

It is the removal of residues from the vaginal tissue, which constantly renews itself with cervical secretions.

What is current?

It is the removal of residues from the vaginal tissue, which constantly renews itself with cervical secretions. These discharges, which are important for vaginal health, are called physiological discharge, and their amount is directly proportional to the number of secretory cells in the cervix, the use of intrauterine devices, and the amount of estrogen (female hormone) in the woman.

What are vaginitis and cervicitis discharge?

Discharges due to infection in the vagina or cervix are non-physiological discharges called vaginitis (due to the vagina) and cervicitis (due to the cervix).

What are the causes of vaginal discharge?

It may occur due to vaginal-related causes such as fungal diseases, trichomoniasis vaginitis, genital herpes vaginitis, foreign objects in the vagina, and genital cancer. Causes related to the cervix, such as cervical wounds and cervical cancer, can also cause discharge.

What are the symptoms of discharge in women?

Physiological discharges are odorless, transparent and have a consistency resembling egg white. In addition, discharge that facilitates sexual intercourse, is lubricating, has a unique odor, and is creamy or white in color is also physiological. Non-physiological discharges indicate that the person has a disease. It causes itching and irritation in the person, and shows symptoms such as an unusual odor in the vagina, pain during sexual intercourse, uncomfortable pain in the groin and lower abdomen, swelling and edema in the external genital area.

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What are the treatment methods for vaginal discharge disease?

It is possible to prevent non-physiological discharge by taking a few protective measures in daily life. Tight and breathable clothes should not be worn, cotton underwear should be preferred, the toilet should be wiped from front to back to prevent the bacteria in the intestine from passing into the vagina, scented and perfumed cosmetic products or wipes should not be used for vaginal cleaning, and the genital area should be cleaned with water.
Antibiotics are used in the treatment of discharge caused by certain bacteria. If it is sexually transmitted, the partner also needs to be treated. Fungal infection is treated with the use of antifungal medication. Sexual intercourse should be avoided during treatment. For recurrent vaginal infections, prophylaxis treatment ranging from 3 to 6 months is recommended.


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