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What is Good for Foot Odor? How to Get Rid of Foot Odor?


What is Good for Foot Odor? How to Get Rid of Foot Odor?

Foot health is an often overlooked but extremely important issue. There are many reasons for foot odor, which is one of the most common problems. These reasons may differ from person to person. Depending on the cause, foot odor can be prevented by different methods for everyone.

What Causes Foot Odor?

Feet are one of the areas where sweat glands are abundant. That’s why odor may occur frequently. There are various causes of foot odor along with sweat. These reasons may differ from person to person;

  • Your feet sweat when the weather is hot or when you exercise intensely. This can cause odor when sweat is not cleaned.
  • If the sweat on the feet is not cleaned, bacteria also begin to grow. In this way, the feet become a suitable area for both foot odor and bacterial infection.
  • Cuts, wounds or ingrown nails on the foot also allow bacteria to form. Failure to eliminate the existing wound may cause odor. People most likely to develop foot infections include older adults, patients with diabetes, and those with weakened immune systems.
  • Another common cause of foot odor is fungal infections. The foot area is suitable for fungus to develop. That’s why getting rid of fungus can be challenging. Athlete’s foot and toenail fungus can cause your feet to smell. Apart from foot odor, it may cause itching and redness.
  • Not washing feet makes them start to smell. The same applies if you constantly wear unwashed socks.
  • Feet may smell from wearing stinky shoes. Sweat left in shoes enters the feet and can cause bacterial growth.
  • You may sweat more during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. This can cause foot odor.
  • In case of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), odor may occur in the feet.
  • Foot odor may develop in stressful situations, in people who spend long hours on their feet, in thyroid or diabetic patients, in menopause, and in those who wear inappropriate shoes.

What is Good for Foot Odor?

There are things that can be done to reduce and eliminate foot odor. First, you should make sure your feet are clean. Keeping feet clean by washing them with soap and water every day helps prevent odor. You can wash your feet by brushing them while taking a shower or in the bathtub. It is recommended to use antibacterial soap to prevent bacterial growth. After washing your feet, you should not walk around without drying them. Moving around in this way causes bacterial growth. You can use talcum powder to absorb wetness and sweat, and prevent the proliferation of bacteria by keeping toenails short and clean.

You need to change your socks every day. While cotton socks absorb sweat, socks made from synthetic fibers such as polyester and nylon can cause more sweating. If your feet sweat during the day, keeping another pair of socks with you will help you prevent them from starting to smell.

In addition to changing socks, foot care is also an issue that should not be neglected. Removing dead skin and calluses is a good step to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. Leather that is not cleaned may cause bad odor over time. After improper care, odor may develop due to bacteria, and toxins accumulate in the body due to insufficient water consumption. These toxins can cause foot odor. You can drink enough water to remove toxins from the body.

Men’s feet generally tend to sweat more frequently than women’s. If your feet sweat excessively, you can try changing the shoes you wear to relieve sweating. Women generally prefer their shoes with narrow toes. If you think your shoes are narrow, choosing one size larger may be a more comfortable option for you.

In hot weather, you may consider wearing open-toed shoes that allow your feet to breathe. Wearing the same shoes continuously can cause bad odor in the shoes over time. To avoid this situation, you can wear at least two pairs of shoes alternately.

Another way is to apply disinfectant spray to shoes regularly. Disinfectant kills bacteria in shoes. Antiperspirant powders for the feet help keep the area dry and free from bacteria. You can get more information about foot hygiene by consulting your doctor.

How to Prevent Foot Odor?

There are precautions that can be taken to prevent foot odor. These measures can be listed as follows:

  • Washing feet at least once a day,
  • Cleaning the hard skin on the foot with a rasp,
  • Keeping nails short and clean
  • Waiting for shoes exposed to sweat to dry before wearing them again,
  • Changing socks every day,
  • Wearing shoes that fit well,
  • Wearing shoes alternately,
  • Changing shoe soles that are bad due to moisture,
  • Wearing shoes made of leather and other natural fabrics that allow the feet to breathe better,
  • Ventilate the feet as much as possible,
  • Avoid walking barefoot in common areas such as swimming pools and gym bathrooms.

What are the Natural and Medical Methods for Foot Odor?

Natural methods that can be applied at home can help reduce and prevent foot odor. You can ensure that these methods are effective by doing them regularly and meticulously.

  • Lavender oil: Essential oils are a good way to remove odor from feet. By massaging your feet with lavender oil, you can prevent odor and kill bacteria on your feet. After washing and drying your feet, rub them thoroughly with a few drops of lavender oil. You can also apply lavender oil between your toes before going to bed. This will increase its effect by staying there all night.
  • Salt: Soaking feet in salt water can reduce sweating. You can prepare the mixture by adding 1 liter of water to 4 teaspoons of salt. You can soak your feet in this mixture for about 15 minutes in the evening. It is important to remember to dry your feet with a clean, dry towel after 15 minutes.
  • Vinegar: You can neutralize the odor by killing bacteria with a vinegar foot bath. After filling a bowl large and deep enough to put your feet in with warm or cold water, add ⅓ of the glass of apple cider vinegar to the water and soak your feet in the water for 15 minutes. If necessary, you can apply vinegar water several times a day.
  • Tea: You can benefit from the antibacterial properties of tea by taking a foot bath with brewed tea bags. Sage and green tea are also good options.
  • Epsom salt: You can also make a foot bath with Epsom salt. This salt is known as a good material that prevents feet from smelling. You can add 2 cups of Epsom salt to a bowl and soak your feet in this mixture for 10-15 minutes twice a day.
  • Foot deodorant: If you still experience sweating and odor despite your foot care, you can take a look at deodorants specially produced for feet.
  • Baking Soda: You can also use the baking soda you use in your kitchen to eliminate bad foot odor. By killing the increased bacteria in the feet, it balances the pH level of the feet and thus prevents odor. To use baking soda on the feet, you can put some in your socks. If you want, you can also soak your feet in warm or cold carbonated water. For the mixture, 1 tablespoon of baking soda for 1 liter of water will be sufficient. You can leave your feet in this mixture for 10-20 minutes.

You should try all these methods by consulting your doctor. If you have foot odor that does not go away with natural methods, you can start medical treatment by sharing this with your doctor. Your healthcare professional will provide the right guidance by applying the treatment he deems appropriate and giving advice.

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