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What is Good for Toothache? How to Relieve Toothache?


What is Good for Toothache? How to Relieve Toothache?

Toothache can be defined as a feeling of discomfort felt on or around the tooth. You should be aware as this situation can often be a sign of a tooth or gum problem. Therefore, toothache can be considered as a problem that should never be neglected. Toothache may have a more severe course as a result of neglecting treatable causes such as caries.

What are the Causes of Toothache?

Toothache is a symptom that can occur due to many underlying conditions. Among all these reasons, conditions such as tooth decay, inflammation in the internal structure of the tooth, abscess, deterioration of tooth integrity, gum diseases and tooth sensitivity are more common:

  • Gum diseases describe the infection of these structures by various microorganisms. Especially if a condition called gingivitis develops, inflammation may occur in the gums, causing these structures to appear red and edematous. If gum diseases are not treated appropriately, this may result in bone loss and gum damage over time. Disruption of gum integrity facilitates the proliferation of bacteria at these points.
  • Tooth decay describes erosion and cavitation in the enamel layer, which is the outer part of the teeth. It is the most common cause of toothache. Plaques, which are sticky structures formed by bacteria, are formed due to reasons such as acid created by bacteria that feed on sugary particles ingested through food and accumulated in the mouth. The acidic environment created during this metabolic activity of bacteria causes tooth enamel to weaken and damage. Over time, this damage progresses and ends with the formation of cavities called cavitation. Cavitations are initially painless, but if tooth loss progresses to the middle part of the tooth, it may cause sensitivity complaints.
  • Pulpitis occurs when tooth loss progresses to the inner layers of the tooth. This inner layer, which also contains nerve structures, is also a region rich in blood vessels. Inflammation occurring in this part may cause an increase in pressure on the inside of the tooth, resulting in various complaints.
  • Traumas to the oral area are situations that can cause deterioration of dental integrity. In these cases, people may feel sharp pain during actions such as biting or chewing. A damaged tooth may also become sensitive to heat, cold, sweet and sour foods.
  • Tooth abscesses refer to the accumulation of bacteria in the tooth root due to conditions such as untreated cavitations or pulpitis. The infection occurring in the inner cavity of the tooth root is tried to be removed from the area where the tip of the tooth root is located. During this drainage, the person may feel sudden pain. Swelling and pain levels of untreated abscesses may increase over time.
  • The movements of some teeth may be restricted by other structures in the mouth. In such cases, teeth that remain immobile and impacted cannot reach their appropriate positions in the mouth. These situations where teeth are stuck most often occur in structures known as wisdom teeth. In cases where the jawbone is insufficient for these extra teeth, wisdom teeth may remain fixed within the gums.

What are the symptoms of toothache?

Other complaints caused by toothache may have a highly variable course from person to person. While this pain may occur intermittently in some people, it may tend to continue constantly in others. Symptoms that may occur with toothache are as follows:

  • Edema and throbbing pain in the tooth or gum area,
  • Fire,
  • Sharp pain when biting or chewing,
  • Discomfort and sensitivity around the teeth,
  • Development of pain and sensitivity to cold and hot drinks.

What is Good for Toothache?

In the presence of toothache, it is very important to determine the underlying cause in order to eliminate this discomfort. While toothache caused by mild irritation can be achieved with simple applications such as gargling with salt water, toothache caused by serious diseases requires the intervention of a dentist. Especially in the presence of complaints that continue for 1-2 days, it is recommended to apply to health institutions and get support from dentists. There are various practices you can do against toothache, with the knowledge and advice of your physician:

Salt Water Gargle

Many people suffering from toothache prefer to gargle with salt water first to control this condition. Salt water is a natural disinfectant and also helps clean food residues between the teeth. When gargling with salt water, inflammation in the wounds in the mouth can be reduced. For this application, it is sufficient to gargle with the mixture prepared by adding half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water.

Cold Applications

Cold applications to the pain area can be an effective approach, especially when the underlying cause is trauma. During cold applications, the blood vessels in the relevant area narrow due to the decrease in temperature. In this way, there is a slight decrease in the feeling of pain.


Garlic is a food that has been included in both traditional medicine practices and recipes due to its various contributions to health for thousands of years. Garlic helps eliminate harmful bacteria that cause plaque formation on the teeth, and can also relieve the feeling of pain. In applications for toothache complaints, garlic is grated or crushed to a paste consistency. It is then applied to the affected area. Some people may also prefer to chew raw garlic directly between the affected teeth.


Cloves, like garlic, are another natural remedy that has been used against toothache for many years. The oil contained in cloves can contribute to controlling the feeling of pain and reducing inflammation in that area.


Thyme is another herb that has very strong antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It should be noted that if these applications are made with the oil of the plants, it should be diluted with water and applied to the affected area with a cotton pad. Thyme oil can also be used as a gargle by dropping one drop into a glass of water.

How to Relieve Toothache?

After applying to dentists with a complaint of toothache, the underlying cause of this condition should first be revealed. With the correct diagnosis, dentists perform appropriate intervention through various medications and dental procedures. Within the scope of drug treatment, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are first used to control pain complaints. In the case of more severe toothache, regional nerve block can be performed. Antibiotic medications and various oral care solutions may also be included in the prescription for toothache caused by bacterial infection.

In some cases, the underlying cause of toothache can be treated by various dental procedures in addition to drug therapy. In cases of cavitation resulting from tooth decay, the affected area on the tooth is cleaned and then closed using a filling with various materials. If it is determined that the toothache is caused by advanced pulpitis, a root canal treatment approach may be considered.

There are numerous causes of toothache. Therefore, the complaint of toothache should not be ignored. In cases of sudden onset or in cases where the pain does not subside in a short time, it is recommended to contact healthcare institutions and get support from specialist dentists.

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