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What is Hemorrhoids? What Causes Hemorrhoids? What is good for hemorrhoids?


What is Hemorrhoids? What Causes Hemorrhoids? What is good for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a condition called “hemorrhoids” in the medical literature and occur when the veins in the anus or rectum area swell and protrude. This condition usually occurs due to excessive straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, obesity, or prolonged sitting. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external, internal hemorrhoids usually occur in the veins inside the anus, while external hemorrhoids occur in the veins around the anus. This condition, which is usually painless at first, may manifest itself over time with symptoms such as itching, pain, bleeding and even difficulty in defecation. In case of hemorrhoids, medication and surgical interventions under the supervision of a doctor, as well as lifestyle changes, fiber diet, hot water baths and topical treatments applied at home may be beneficial.

What is Haemorrhoids? What are the Types of Haemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen, inflamed veins that occur inside or outside the anus and rectum. There are two types: external hemorrhoids, which form under the skin around the anus, and internal hemorrhoids, which form inside the rectum. Hemorrhoids are a very common condition in both men and women. Types of hemorrhoids include:

  • Internal Hemorrhoids: Internal hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed conditions that occur in the veins inside the anus. They are usually painless, but may present with symptoms such as bleeding, itching or discomfort during defecation.
  • External Hemorrhoids: External hemorrhoids refer to swollen and inflamed conditions in the veins around the anus. This type of hemorrhoids usually presents with symptoms such as pain, itching and bleeding during defecation.

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids occur when excessive pressure is placed on the veins around the anus. Common causes of this condition are:

  • Constipation: Constipation can cause straining and trigger the formation of hemorrhoids. Constipation causes difficulty and the need to strain during defecation. This may cause excessive pressure on the veins in the anal area and the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, increased hormone levels and pressure inside the abdomen can trigger the formation of hemorrhoids. During pregnancy, progesterone hormone levels increase. This hormone can cause the veins to dilate. Additionally, the pressure inside the abdomen increases during pregnancy. This causes increased pressure to be applied to the veins in the anal area.
  • Diarrhea: Excessive and chronic diarrhea may trigger the formation of hemorrhoids as they cause pressure during defecation.
  • Genetic Factors: People with a family history of hemorrhoids may be more prone to hemorrhoids due to genetic predisposition.
  • Lack of Fiber: A low-fiber diet may be ineffective at softening stool and regulating bowel movements, which can increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Sitting for a Long Term: Sitting continuously can cause pressure on the veins in the anus area and reduce blood flow in this area.
  • Heavy Lifting: Lifting heavy loads can increase intra-abdominal pressure, contributing to the formation of hemorrhoids.
  • Aging: The loss of elasticity of the veins with the aging process may increase the risk of hemorrhoids.
  • Obesity: Being overweight puts more strain on the veins in the anal area. Increased pressure in the abdominal area can trigger the development of hemorrhoids.

What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids?

Internal hemorrhoids rarely cause pain unless they prolapse outside the rectum, and many people with internal hemorrhoids may not know they have the disease because there are no obvious symptoms. A common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is blood on the toilet paper, in the stool, or in the toilet bowl. These are symptoms of rectal bleeding. But external hemorrhoids have distinct symptoms. Some of the symptoms of external hemorrhoids include:

  • Itching in the anus area
  • Hard tissues noticeable in the anus area
  • Pain in the anus area
  • rectal bleeding
  • Swelling in the anus area

Prolapsed hemorrhoids can be painful and uncomfortable. These hemorrhoid tissues can be felt by people and slowly pushed inward.

How to Diagnose Haemorrhoids?

The diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made by the doctor through physical examination and evaluation of the symptoms. The doctor first evaluates factors such as the patient’s symptoms, lifestyle, eating habits and family history. Then, during a physical exam, the doctor may examine the anus and rectum area and look for swollen veins and other symptoms. In addition to a physical examination, the doctor may also order some imaging tests. Some of the imaging tests used to diagnose hemorrhoids include:

  • Proctoscopic Examination: In some cases, a proctoscopic examination may be performed to examine the condition inside the rectum using a special instrument called a proctoscope.
  • Anoscopic Examination: The situation inside the anus can be examined using a surgical instrument called anoscope. These examinations can help detect internal hemorrhoids.
  • Colonoscopy or Sigmoidoscopy: In some cases, methods such as colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy may be used for a more detailed examination. These imaging methods allow detailed examination of the intestine and rectum area.

How to Treat Hemorrhoids?

In most cases, hemorrhoids can go away on their own within a few days under the supervision of a doctor. However, in cases that do not go away or show severe symptoms, different treatment methods may be used by the doctor. Some treatment methods used in the treatment of hemorrhoids are:

  • Lifestyle Changes: A healthy diet, consuming fibrous foods, drinking enough water and exercising regularly play an important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Fibrous foods can help soften stools and regulate bowel movements.
  • Hot Water Baths: Sitting in a tub of warm water can help relax the anal area and reduce swelling.
  • Topical Medications and Painkillers: Pain medications, analgesic creams and ointments can be used under the supervision of a doctor to relieve pain, itching and inflammation.
  • Sclerotherapy: In this method, a solution is injected into the hemorrhoid, which can help the vein shrink and heal.
  • Rubber Band Method: In this procedure, a rubber band is placed at the base of the hemorrhoid, which cuts off the hemorrhoid’s supply and causes it to dry out. After drying, hemorrhoids fall off.
  • Coagulation Treatment: With methods such as infrared coagulation or electrocautery, the vessels inside the hemorrhoids are burned or coagulated. This causes the hemorrhoids to shrink.
  • Hemorrhoidectomy: This surgical method involves removing hemorrhoids that are large and causing severe symptoms. It is generally preferred when other treatment methods are ineffective.

Frequently asked Questions

Hemorrhoids are a very common disorder today and can negatively affect people’s daily activities. If follow-up and treatment are not carried out carefully, symptoms may worsen.

What is Good for Hemorrhoid Itching?

Painkillers, analgesic creams and ointments can be used under the supervision of a doctor to relieve itching. In addition, among the natural methods at home to relieve itching, warm water baths and the use of natural oils such as aloe vera gel and lavender oil can be effective. These natural products can provide relief by reducing itching. However, since people’s allergic structures are different, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using any herbal product for treatment support.

What Should Hemorrhoid Patients Pay Attention to?

It is important for hemorrhoid patients to pay attention to a fiber-rich diet and choose fiber-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. Adequate water consumption can help relieve symptoms by contributing to softening of the stool. Additionally, overly strenuous exercises should be avoided.

Is It Possible to Treat Hemorrhoids Without Surgery?

Non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment can be done with various methods under the supervision of a doctor. Warm water baths, a fibrous diet, topical treatments, and minimally invasive procedures such as tape ligation can help relieve and improve hemorrhoid symptoms.

What is good for hemorrhoids?

Treatment of hemorrhoids varies depending on the type and severity of hemorrhoids. In mild cases of hemorrhoids, improvement can be achieved with home treatment methods under the supervision of a doctor. Adequate fluid intake, consumption of fibrous food, hot water baths, probiotic foods and light exercises may be beneficial.

Hemorrhoids are a disease that affects daily life, is often painful, and can lead to complications in some serious cases. People with hemorrhoid symptoms can start treatment by making an appointment at the general surgery clinic.

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