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What is Kidney Pain?


What is Kidney Pain?

Kidney pain is felt as pain around the area where the kidneys are located. The kidneys are located on either side of the back under the ribs.

Kidney pain is felt as pain around the area where the kidneys are located. The kidneys are located on either side of the back under the ribs. For this reason, kidney pain can often be confused with back pain. It is possible to distinguish kidney pain from back pain. Kidney pain; While it may occur on the back, it can also spread to the sides of the body, lower abdomen and groin. Another difference that distinguishes these two pains is; Back pain is felt deeper in the lower back, while kidney pain is felt deeper under the ribs. Pain that resembles kidney pain may not always be related to the kidney. In addition, pain that indicates kidney problems; Additional symptoms such as fever, vomiting, and painful urination may occur.

If you suspect that you have kidney pain, you may consider contacting the nearest healthcare facility.

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Pain?

Kidney pain can occur in different ways in different kidney diseases. However, to tell you what symptoms it generally manifests itself with:

  • Pain that generally feels constant and dull,
  • Pain felt under the rib cage or in the abdominal area,
  • Side pain, which is usually seen on only one side, can sometimes be felt on both sides,
  • Sharp or severe pain that comes in waves,
  • Pain that may radiate to the groin or abdominal area,
  • Other symptoms that may occur with kidney pain can be listed as follows.

Symptoms accompanied by kidney pain may indicate kidney-related problems. Therefore, care must be taken. Symptoms that may accompany kidney pain are as follows:

  • Fire,
  • Vomiting,
  • Pain while urinating,
  • urine that looks cloudy,
  • Seeing blood in the urine.

Kidneys are responsible for the formation of urine. Conduction of urine is possible through the ureters, and its storage and excretion is possible through the bladder. The kidneys are part of this complex excretory system. Therefore, pain in the kidneys may also indicate a problem with this system. To understand whether there is a problem, the cause of kidney pain must first be investigated. Kidney pain may occur for many reasons. Depending on what causes it, kidney pain can appear in different ways and different symptoms may accompany kidney pain. For example:

  • Kidney Stone: A sudden, stabbing pain in the kidney means that you may have a kidney stone. Kidney stones are mineral deposits that can reach sizes that block the ureters, which serve as the pathway of the excretory system. Kidney stones can cause pain in waves as they try to pass out of the body. In addition, a feeling of pain radiating to the groin and felt sharply in the back and sides may also be observed.
  • Kidney Infection: This type of infection, called pyelonephritis, can affect both kidneys, but is usually seen in a single kidney. It causes pain in the back and sides under the ribs. It may also occur with fever and urinary tract infections.
  • Hydronephrosis: It is a disease in which the kidneys become larger than normal and swell. Anything that obstructs the urinary tract can lead to Hydronephrosis. It can be seen in both kidneys or unilaterally as a result of damage caused by urine pooling in the kidney as a result of urine not being excreted from the body.
  • Kidney Cysts: Kidney cysts may not cause symptoms until they reach a certain size. When he is old enough; It may cause mild pain in the back, sides and upper abdomen.
  • Polycystic Kidney Disease: It is a genetic disease that causes the formation of cysts in the kidneys. It may cause side and back pain.
  • Kidney Cancer: Although not in the early stages, kidney cancer is persistent and constant as it progresses; Side, back or abdominal pain may occur.
  • Benign Kidney Tumor: A mass that may occur in the kidney does not always have to be cancerous. Benign kidney tumors; It can cause pain in the sides, between the ribs or near the hip, and the feeling of having lower back pain on one side of the body.
  • Renal Vein Thrombosis: It occurs when a clot forms in one of the renal veins. On the sides; It causes severe, intermittent spasm-inducing pain. Pain may also be felt in the area around the affected kidney.
  • Kidney Trauma: Kidney injuries that may occur as a result of severe sports activities or accidents. There is a risk of kidney damage.

There can be many problems that can cause kidney pain. The way these problems occur may vary depending on the age and health status of the cases. Therefore, in cases of uncertainty, it may be better to consult a specialist physician. Especially fever, body aches and fatigue are symptoms that should not be ignored. Additionally, if you have a condition such as recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), this may indicate an underlying excretory system problem. You may consider contacting your doctor.

How Is Kidney Pain Diagnosed?

Only a physician can diagnose the medical condition that causes kidney pain. At the health institution you apply to, the history of your illness is first taken to determine whether you have kidney pain. Afterwards, certain preliminary diagnoses are made through a physical examination. To reach the correct diagnosis after these procedures;

  • Blood test,
  • urine test,
  • Ultrasound imaging or
  • Computed Tomography (CT) may be requested.

If you have been diagnosed with kidney stones in the past, your physician may avoid Computed Tomography (CT) because it exposes the patient to radiation. You may consider getting your physician’s opinion when deciding which tests are most appropriate for diagnosis.

Kidney Pain Treatment Methods?

Treating kidney pain alone is not recommended. Since kidney pain almost always indicates an underlying problem; Getting rid of pain is only possible by eliminating the problem. In the meantime, you may want to turn to quick solutions such as taking painkillers; However, it may not be healthy to take medication for kidney pain without consulting your doctor.

To treat kidney pain, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. This is possible by making a diagnosis, applying treatment specific to the disease, and monitoring the patient. However, kidney pain can be avoided by protecting kidney health before all these occur. Here’s what you need to know to protect kidney health:

  • Consuming plenty of water is very beneficial for kidney health.
  • Beverages high in sugar can cause diabetes, which leads to kidney damage.
  • Consuming too much salt or consuming drinks containing too much caffeine causes dehydration (i.e. loss of water in the body) and can lead to kidney damage in the long term.
  • Additionally, preventing kidney infections will prevent kidney pain.

To protect against kidney infections, firstly protecting kidney health and then paying attention to the cleanliness of the external elements of the excretory system can be considered as the first steps to be taken. Going to the toilet when needed will prevent a burden on the kidneys. Cleaning the toilet from front to back is also a healthy cleaning habit. Taking care of the cleanliness of the sexual organs and going to the toilet after sex protects the health of the urinary tract; It is also important for kidney health in the long term. According to some research; If you are experiencing constipation, treating constipation as soon as possible can also prevent urinary tract infection.

Kidneys are one of the most important organs of the excretory system. It ensures the removal of harmful substances from the body. Therefore, maintaining the health of the kidneys and excretory system is also very important for the general health of the body. If you are suffering from kidney pain, you may consider contacting your nearest healthcare facility.

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