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When are insect bites dangerous?


When are insect bites dangerous?

Insects, which can live in every corner of the world and under almost all conditions, become more visible, especially as the weather gets warmer.

Insects, which can live in every corner of the world and under almost all conditions, become more visible, especially as the weather gets warmer. There are thousands of different types of insects, and their effects on humans are different from each other. Insects inject their poison into the skin with their stingers or the enzymes in their saliva. Insect bites, which are usually painful, can cause allergic reactions and blisters with local irritation. The effect of an insect bite varies depending on the type of insect and the sensitivity of the person. Young children, people with allergies, pregnant women and the elderly are more sensitive to insect bites. Insect bites; It can cause diseases such as yellow fever, encephalitis, malaria and typhus to spread within the community. Insect species, especially those living in tropical regions, can carry serious diseases.

Types of insect bites

  • Flea bites: Flea bites, which cause symptoms such as itching, swelling and redness, leave scars on the skin in the form of clusters and lines.
  • Horsefly bite: Horsefly bites are quite painful, causing symptoms such as blistering and swelling of the bitten area.
  • Bedbug bites. Bites that cause swelling and itching are not painful.
  • Tick ​​bites: bites from ticks that carry borrelia infection can cause serious illness. At first, the bite does not cause any symptoms, but after a while, itching, bruising, redness and swelling may occur on the skin.
  • Mite bite: causes severe itching on the skin.
  • Spider bite: Spider bites can be painful and may cause dizziness, sweating, nausea and vomiting in addition to swelling and redness.
  • Bee sting: In bee stings that cause sudden pain, the bitten area immediately swells and turns red.
  • Mosquito bite: Blistering and intense itching occur in the area where the bite occurs.
  • Scorpion sting: Some of the scorpion stings that cause numbness, burning, pain, redness and swelling on the skin can cause serious health problems.
  • Ant bite: The area where the ant bites becomes swollen and filled with pus.

Insect bite symptoms

The most common symptoms usually seen in insect bites are:

  • Itching, pain and swelling in the bitten area
  • Discoloration, redness in the bitten area
  • Urticaria, accumulation of water or pus in the bitten area
  • Abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea
  • difficulty breathing
  • Feeling of tightness in the chest
  • wheezing
  • These are allergy symptoms such as swelling of the tongue.

When are insect bites dangerous?

Not every insect sting means a dangerous situation. However, in the person bitten by the insect;

  • Difficulty breathing and wheezing in the chest
  • Intestinal and stomach problems such as nausea, vomiting, cramps and diarrhea
  • Increased mouth secretion
  • Irregular or fast heartbeat
  • Fatigue and anxiety
  • Dizziness and difficulty swallowing
  • Fainting and loss of consciousness
  • Itching or hives all over the body
  • Swelling, especially around the genital area, lips and eyes
  • A swelling of 2.5 centimeters in diameter in the area where the insect stung and swelling in the mouth or throat
  • Increase in pain intensity, size of rash and fever
  • If there are signs of inflammation such as abscess and pus in the bitten area and the symptoms do not disappear within 2 days, the insect bite is at a dangerous level and it is necessary to apply to the hospital.

Insect bite treatment

Generally, if there is no allergic reaction, first aid treatment is sufficient against insect bites. Insect repellent and gel should be used to prevent further exposure to insect bites. The area where the insect bite occurred should be washed with soap and water. By applying ice to this area, pain and itching can be reduced. Antihistamine medications and ointment can be used to prevent itching from insect bites. Painkillers can be taken to prevent pain. In case of tick bites, the tick should be carefully grasped by its head, removed with tweezers without breaking into pieces, and placed in a jar. Storing the tick is very important in terms of determining the tick type. The area where the tick was removed and your hands should be washed thoroughly with plenty of water and soap.

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