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VP Alupo presides over several Pre-International Women’s Day activities


A series of activities is ongoing in Katakwi District in preparation to celebrate International Women’s Day slated for tomorrow, Friday, 8th March 2023. The celebrations, due at Katakwi District Boma Grounds, have left many faces smiling with a sigh of relief and hope.

Vice President Jessica Alupo, as part of the several activities today, handed Katakwi Town Council female restaurant owners over 1500 plates and 1500 reusable pads. The plates were obtained from the Visionary Women organization of former and current female MPs, of which VP Alupo is a member, who are interested in empowering the girl child and women.

Other activities presided over today by the vice president include the commissioning of a solar-powered project of 12 cubic liters per hour serving 22 villages, including Katakwi Town Council. The project in Alukuchok village, Akoboi Subcounty, is worth 416 million shillings. Additionally, she launched the construction of a girls’ dormitory at Usuk Kids Primary School in Usuk Town Council, among others.

Christine Amongin Aporu, a renowned Teso politician and also a member of the Visionary Women organization, said they came to support the Katakwi residents because the Vice President is their member.

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“Toto VP is a member of our group; we have come here to help you because mama is our member,” said Amongin.

The Minister for Local Government, Princess Kabakumba Matsiko, in her remarks, also a member of the Visionary Women organization, said while making the plan, their regional objective was to empower the female community.

“We are also trying to make their ends meet; as the Visionary Women, we have brought 15 boxes of plates, with each box containing 100 plates, and 1500 pads for you here, as others will also receive theirs,” said Matsiko.

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She added that this is a pilot case; eventually, they shall go to other villages.

She thanked her Excellency and the President for the invitation.

“We are happy you invited us to celebrate Women’s Day; I appreciate your Excellency for all your role models. We also thank you and the President who saw it fit to appoint you as Vice President. Extend our sincere gratitude to him; we are available and ready to work,” said Matsiko.

“Visionary women, we are on the main. Tova ku main,” she cheered.

VP Alupo, in her remarks, congratulated the women and people of Uganda upon celebrations of International Women’s Day 2024 to be hosted nationally here in Katakwi District tomorrow, 8th March 2024.

She congratulated all men and boy children who have been in support of the gender cause.

She thanked His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda for championing the establishment of policies and laws and also providing an enabling environment for the women of Uganda to compete favorably with men.

The International Women’s Day for this year is going to be celebrated under the theme “Accelerating gender equality through women economic empowerment,” said VP Alupo.

The VP said the theme resonates very well with the need to bring up all women, especially in the grassroots, to participate in the economic transformation of our country.

She added that the theme reflects a number of achievements already made by the country, including extending credit to women through a number of programs, including the Women’s Fund, Grow Now, the Parish Development Model with 30 percent allocated exclusively to women, and Emyooga targeting 50 percent women across the country, among many other programs.

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“The theme also speaks volumes in light of the reality that an empowered woman becomes a human resource first and foremost to her family and secondly to the whole community and indeed the whole country,” said VP Alupo.

She encouraged all Ugandans to continue towing the line which government through HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has established and strengthen the foundation to bring all genders together for the good of the country and to encourage them to work together.

She also used the opportunity to thank President Museveni.

“It’s a good moment for me to thank President M7 for being a good leader; I thank you,” said VP.

She thanked all various stakeholders who arrived in Katakwi earlier to empower and skill the women.

She was quick to note, among others, the Visionary Women Organisation for coming to Katakwi, inviting them to come always. Also, she thanked Uganda Research Institute for coming to Katakwi to Train women on skills that can be given in a short period.

She also thanked the reproductive health team for creating health awareness. Makerere University Business School (MUBS) for coming to Katakwi to teach business and Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) and National Agricultural Research Organization among others.

She assured the visitors coming for the celebrations of total peace and security. She urged them to turn up in big numbers.


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