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20 suggestions for families for the semester break


20 suggestions for families for the semester break

There are only a few days left until the semester break, which children and young people are looking forward to. Emphasizing that the semester break is a good opportunity for both parents and students to continue the new term more motivated by spending productive time with family members, Specialist Psychologist Ezgi Dokuzlu Tezel from Anadolu Health Center said, “For adults who carry great responsibilities on their shoulders amidst the hustle and bustle of life, socializing is a good opportunity.” Rest and relaxation are vital. Although they are not as responsible as adults, it should not be forgotten that children can also feel anxious, tired and overwhelmed. “Even if the weather is cold during the semester break, spending time in parks and nature getting fresh air is very important for both parents and children,” he said.

Anadolu Health Center Specialist. Clinical Psychologist Ezgi Dokuzlu Tezel gave 20 suggestions to parents to spend the semester break productively:

  1. You can help children communicate with their peers. During the holiday, meetings with friends where they can have a pleasant time, nature walks with their peers, and trips can be planned.
  2. Creating, discovering and sharing are very important for children’s development. You can prepare healthy snacks and try new recipes with your children.
  3. Sleeping, waking, eating, technology use and play times should not change. Children should continue their routine during the holiday and spend the day productively without being disrupted. It is important to maintain order in order to avoid adaptation problems when returning to school.
  4. It is important that everyone is willing for all family members to spend time together during the holidays. Instead of trying to spend the day to the fullest, plans and activities made by everyone’s mutual decision will be more enjoyable for both children and parents.
  5. Homework or additional work should not be neglected during the holiday. Time periods such as brief homework or studying and reviewing topics can be planned at certain hours every day, especially in the morning.
  6. When deciding on the activities you will do, you can create enjoyable times while reinforcing the child’s knowledge with activities that are appropriate for his age and development, where he can both have fun and learn.
  7. You can talk to your children about responsibilities and work that needs to be done at home. Talking about your plans with children will make them feel valuable. Planning the next day or week with your child helps them comply with plans more and improves their skills such as decision-making and taking responsibility.
  8. Skill- or creativity-based activities can be planned in which all family members participate.
  9. From time to time, the family can watch films or documentaries selected in accordance with the development of children and then evaluate the watched film.
  10. Parents can organize face-to-face or online meetings to bring children together with their friends during the holiday. During these meetings, short-term activities, exercises that are not too tiring, and even enjoyable activities in which parents can participate can be held.
  11. Book reading activities can be planned as a family. Later, a picture of the book read can be made or reinforced with questions.
  12. Games can be played in which all family members can participate, where competition and rivalry are not at the forefront.
  13. In order for children not to be away from education during the holiday, an average of 30-40 minutes of exercises or repetition of the subject that will not tire the children every day will be useful. It is important not to pressure or force them to study, to avoid harsh and accusatory warnings and attitudes that will make them feel worthless.
  14. You can have a pleasant and productive time with puzzles, crosswords, educational board games and flashcards.
  15. Screen time and limits should be reminded during holidays, and this limit should be the same every day. Parents must be consistent and stable while maintaining these rules.
  16. Parents should give advice to children who say they can’t find anything to do at home and are bored, about what they can do even if they are at home, and how they can spend their time productively and fun at the same time.
  17. Children should stay away from screens as much as possible during the holiday. For both the physical and mental development of children, not only during holidays but also during school time, the time spent with tablets or computers outside of class hours should be limited and reduced if excessive.
  18. During vacation, just like during school, meals should not be eaten while watching tablet or television. An order should be created where all family members come together and eat at the same time. The table should be set and cleared with the support of all family members.
  19. You can help your children have an enjoyable time without limiting them and leaving control to their imagination. Constantly giving them directions, telling them what to do, and intervening in the games they play too much will restrict their productivity and creativity in the time they spend individually.
  20. Children should be reminded how many days the holiday will last and that they will continue school as usual after the holiday is over. What is said and explained can be concretized with pictures so that young children can understand it more easily.


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