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astigmatism disease


astigmatism disease

It is a vision problem that manifests itself as blurry and wavy vision as the corneal layer of the eye takes an oval shape. Literally, it means “no punctuation”.

What is astigmatism?

It is a vision problem that manifests itself as blurry and wavy vision as the corneal layer of the eye takes an oval shape. Literally, it means “no punctuation”. The person sees a point scattered and scattered around. Astigmatism may be of genetic origin or congenital reasons. Although very rare, it can also occur due to the pressure of masses on the eyelids. Astigmatism can occur alone or with myopia or hyperopia. If the distorted image reflected in the eye with astigmatism remains completely in front of the retina, it is called myopic astigmatism, and if it falls behind the nerve layer, it is called hyperopic astigmatism.

What are the symptoms of astigmatism?

  • Headache
  • eye strain
  • Burning sensation in eyes
  • Blurry in distant and near vision

In what cases is astigmatism surgery preferred?

Astigmatism is confirmed as a result of an examination by an ophthalmologist. No matter how serious the problem is, it can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. Refractive surgery is also an option. If an adult does not have myopia or hyperopia problems along with low-grade astigmatism, he may not use glasses as long as he does not have any complaints. However, if there is an opposite story, the ophthalmologist may recommend glasses, contact lenses or surgery. By changing the structure of the cornea in the surgical method, the patient’s lifelong use of glasses or contact lenses is eliminated.

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