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Court issues criminal summons against lawyer Balondemu over forgery


The Buganda Road Chief Magistrates Court has issued criminal summons against city lawyer, David Balondemu to answer charges of forgery of medical documents.

In criminals summons dated May, 20, 2024, Buganda road court asked Balondemu to appear together with Hassan Ssegujja ,  medical doctor from Mulago to answer charges of forgery contrary to Section 342 and 347 of the Penal Code Act as well as uttering false documents.

“You are hereby commanded by the government of Uganda to appear in this court on June, 14, 2024 at 9am or soon thereafter as this case can be heard,” the magistrate said.

Balondemu, who is also the chairman of Kampala District Land Board is together his law firm, M/s Balon Advocates and Bloom Advocates facing criminal investigations for defrauding six international companies over Shs 41 billion.

He is together with others charged in court for obtaining shs2.2 billion  by false pretence from a Korean investor in a purported gold transaction as well as defrauding approximately Shs 2.2 billion  from an American Company, KG Unlimited LLC, in a purported procurement of a water plant by Ministry of Agriculture.

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