Personally Planned Physical Activity Program
physical activity; It can be defined as activities that consume energy by using muscles and joints in daily life, increase heart and respiratory rate, and result in fatigue of different degrees. Various sports branches, dance, exercise, games and daily activities that involve all or some of the basic body movements such as walking, running, swimming, squatting and standing, various arm-leg, head and trunk movements can be considered as physical activity. There are many scientific studies showing the benefits of physical activity, especially when done regularly, on both physical and mental health.
We can classify these positive effects as follows:
Increased muscle strength and physical activity tolerance (conditioning and endurance)
Ensuring stability and balance by increasing muscle-joint control, preventing falls, especially in elderly individuals
Reduction in cardiovascular disease rates
Reduction in chronic fatigue
Individuals who engage in regular physical activity are more successful in getting rid of cigarette addiction than individuals who are inactive.
It helps control diabetes and blood sugar by controlling insulin activity.
Normalization in blood pressure and blood lipid (fat) levels
Increases bone density, reduces the risk of osteoporosis
Improves sleep duration and quality
Soothes anxiety and depression
Intestinal activity is regulated, constipation is reduced
Accelerates metabolism and prevents weight gain
In the long term, cognitive functions and motor control increase, thus self-confidence increases, and dementia (forgetfulness) decreases.
It delays the onset of menopause in women and helps alleviate the negative effects of menopause.
Has positive effects on healthy sexual activity in adults
Creates well-being and happiness, increases the ability to cope with depression and anxiety
Body resistance increases and protection against infections improves
Reduces the risk of cancer development and provides protection against cancer
Quality of life increases, participation in social and cultural activities increases
Physical activity needs to be done regularly to reveal its desired effects. Even 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity performed 3-4 times a week is usually enough to reveal positive effects on our health.
A personalized physical activity program is an indispensable component of complementary medicine practices due to the benefits we have mentioned above, all of which are supported by scientific studies. In this program, exercise duration, intensity and type are determined and monitored by the physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, according to the individual’s history and accompanying musculoskeletal and other system problems. Exercise can be applied in the hospital under the supervision of a physiotherapist or outside the hospital as a home program.
A program consisting of posture, stretching, muscle strengthening, balance and coordination exercises and aerobic exercises such as bicycle ergometer, swimming and walking is prepared according to the patient’s needs. Eligible patients can attend group or individual pilates or yoga classes. Regardless of the type of physical activity program, patient education and safety must be observed.
Physical activity programs are extremely effective in treating many diseases and their symptoms, preventing disease-related complications, and preventing the disease process from causing permanent damage to the body.
Some situations where the positive and therapeutic properties of exercise programs can be benefited from are as follows:
Some orthopedic problems, sports injuries
Neurological diseases (strokes, loss of balance-coordination, nerve injuries, etc.)
Some cardiovascular and lung diseases
Child health problems such as cerebral palsy
Some of the rheumatic diseases
Some problems that develop after accidents, trauma and surgery
Waist, back and neck problems, joint pain such as knees and shoulders
Pregnancy and postpartum recovery process
In recent years, the concept of “cancer rehabilitation” has gained importance due to the increasing prevalence of oncology diseases in society. 54% of patients diagnosed with cancer need rehabilitation practices for physical disabilities due to the effects of the tumor or cancer treatment. Cancer-related pain is observed in 70% of patients. In bone involvement, weight bearing may need to be restricted depending on the severity of the lesion. Orthosis applications and corset use for the spine may be required to protect the bone. It is extremely important for oncology patients to be evaluated by a physical therapy and rehabilitation specialist before exercise and to determine an appropriate physical activity program.
Muscle strengthening exercises that do not create movement, low-intensity aerobic exercises (such as walking, cycling), strengthening of the abdominal muscles and back muscles in patients at risk of spinal fractures, balance exercises and landscaping to prevent the risk of falling are recommended. In lung tumors, breathing exercises, neck and arm muscle strengthening exercises and aerobic exercises are recommended for the patient. In the cancer rehabilitation program, the shoulder is given range of motion exercises and stretching exercises after the operation. Once the drains are removed, active joint range of motion exercises are started and the movements are slowly progressed. Lymphedema treatment is applied.