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WATCH: Namboole Tour: UPDF Satisfied With Renovation Works


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The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) Engineering Brigade has taken pride in the extensive renovation of Mandela National Stadium, Namboole.

After being inactive since 2020 due to substandard conditions, Namboole has undergone significant upgrades funded by a Sh97bn government allocation since 2022.

The recent approval by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) has given Namboole the green light to host international games, beginning with the World Cup qualifiers in June, where Uganda Cranes will host Botswana and Algeria.

Two Uganda Premier League (UPL) test matches were recently conducted at the venue to assess its readiness.

Lt. Col. Kidemuka, who oversees the renovation project, stated, “Apart from the floodlights which are being installed, Namboole is 96% ready. The remaining 4% will be completed in time for the World Cup qualifiers.”

Lt. Col. Kidemuka highlighted that several key facilities, including a giant screen and the asphalt base, are nearing completion. “Experts are here to certify the tartan track, and we will put it in place soon. We have also worked on the media tribune, separating it from the public. The dressing rooms have been furnished, and all systems, including water and toilets, are functional. Kiosks are ready,” he explained.

The initial renovation first phase involved securing the 128 acres of land, evicting encroachers, and fully fencing the area. The second phase focused on upgrading the stadium to meet international standards, encompassing mechanical, electrical, and civil works.

“This project has been incredibly resourceful, and we have learned a lot, especially from the experts we invited. We thank the Ministry of Education and Sports, led by First Lady Janet Museveni, for trusting us with this project,” Lt. Col. Kidemuka said.

He added that the UPDF Engineers Brigade is now well-equipped to handle future projects without additional expert assistance, having gained substantial knowledge from this experience.

With the completion of Namboole, the brigade has already been assigned to renovate Kyambogo into a training pitch, with work set to begin on Monday. “We are ready to put our knowledge into practice,” he assured.

The renovated Namboole Stadium now features modern amenities, allowing fans to book tickets and seats online. The improvements have brought locker rooms, the doctor’s room, anti-doping control room, press conference room, and post-match interview room up to international standards.

Additionally, new seating for spectators, VIPs, and VVIPs meets global benchmarks, making Namboole a state-of-the-art venue for sports events.

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