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We dare you on consultative meetings- Police tells Bobi’s NUP


Police have warned opposition National Unity Platform party  not to resume their consultative meetings or else they will not be allowed.

“We suspended their activities after several breaches of the guidelines issued to them by the police. The suspension continues until when NUP leadership complies with police guidelines and continues to be law abiding,” Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga told journalists on Monday.

Police last year banned the consultative meetings that they said had turned chaotic.

“Wherever the meetings have happened, there has been public disorder, unnecessary traffic jams, loss of business, malicious damage to property, for instance in Mbarara City, their rowdy supporters vandalized a Toyota Hiace, under reg. no. UBD 251J, and traffic accidents, including a fatal one in Hoima City, on the 11.09.2023, where a one, Mugisa Norman died and 10 others got serious injuries, during the NUP convoy,” police said in a statement last year.

Police said  during the mobilization activities in Luweero, Kyagulanyi used one of the rallies to “incite violence, promote sectarianism, make illegitimate calls for the removal of an elected government, and issuance of defamatory statements against the person of President Museveni.”

“ We are sending this strong message, that our country, Uganda, will not wait for its villages, towns, urban centers and cities to burn, before taking action to protect its citizens and property. We are going to put an end to the mob mentality, bullying and intimidating tactics of NUP radicals, against innocent civilians and law enforcers.”

Last week, NUP announced it was to resume its mobilization tours around the country.

The party said their consultations will resume this week on Wednesday, starting with Kamuli.

However, police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said they will not allow the meetings to continue since they breach peace.

“Section 32 (i) of the Police Act says police must be informed of any of these meetings but we also have a duty under  the constitution to maintain peace and order . Our priority has always been to ensure Ugandans and visitors enjoy a safe and secure environment,” he said.

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