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What is Good for Colds? Cold Symptoms


What is Good for Colds? Cold Symptoms

Colds are infections that mostly occur in the nose, sinuses, throat and trachea. Colds spread easily, especially in crowded environments. It usually goes away on its own within a week to 10 days under the supervision of a doctor. In the common cold, the infected virus damages the mucous membranes in the nose, throat and sinuses. The infection causes symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, sore throat and mild fever. There are natural and home-based solutions for colds that can be applied under doctor’s supervision. Consuming warm beverages, especially herbal teas or mixtures containing honey, can help relieve symptoms by soothing the throat. Additionally, resting, drinking plenty of water and consuming vitamin-rich foods can strengthen the body’s immune system and increase resistance to colds. Although the common cold is a condition that usually heals on its own with supportive practices at home under the supervision of a doctor, if the symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, different treatment methods may be applied by the doctor.

What is the Common Cold?

The common cold is a mild viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It is one of the common diseases today. Colds occur more frequently in winter and spring. More than 200 different types of viruses can cause the common cold. The most common cold virus is rhinovirus.

What Causes the Common Cold?

The common cold usually occurs as a result of an infection caused by respiratory viruses such as rhinovirus. These viruses are usually transmitted through the air and affect the respiratory system such as the nose, throat and sinuses. Stress, fatigue or a weak immune system that lowers a person’s resistance can increase the risk of catching a cold. Viruses can be spread through infected people coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces. Therefore, contact with the virus or inhalation of particles containing the virus can cause the onset of infection. Colds are generally more common in autumn and winter. During these periods, people are more likely to be in closed spaces, and this increases the risk of spreading viruses. In addition, people’s strong immune systems can increase their resistance to colds. However, stress, harmful habits, fatigue, poor eating habits and general weakness of the immune system can leave the body vulnerable to viruses.

What are the symptoms of cold?

Symptoms of the common cold can vary depending on the type of virus infected and the person’s immune system. Usually, symptoms begin within 2-3 days and go away on their own within 7-10 days. Common symptoms of the common cold include:

  • Runny nose and congestion
  • Sneeze
  • Sore throat
  • mild fever
  • Weakness
  • muscle pain
  • Headache

How is the Common Cold Diagnosed?

The common cold is usually diagnosed clinically by a doctor based on symptoms and the patient’s history. The doctor may use the following methods to diagnose the common cold:

  • Patient History: The doctor examines the patient’s previous health history. It is evaluated whether they have had another respiratory tract infection with similar symptoms before and whether they have chronic diseases.
  • Examination of Symptoms: Doctors evaluate the symptoms experienced by the patient. Typical cold symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, cough, headache and fever play an important role in the diagnostic process.
  • Laboratory Tests: Doctors often do not order specific laboratory tests to diagnose the common cold. However, sometimes blood tests or nasal swab analyzes may be ordered to detect the presence of another infection or to examine other serious health problems.

What is Good for Colds?

Natural remedies for colds can often help relieve symptoms and support the healing process. However, since people’s general health conditions and allergic structures are different, the natural methods listed below should be used under the supervision of a doctor and as directed. Some of the natural suggestions that can be good for colds are:

  • Warm Drinks: Herbal teas containing honey, lemon or fresh ginger added to warm water can soothe the throat and relieve cough and sore throat.
  • Salt Water Gargle: Gargling with warm salt water can clear mucus accumulated in the throat and soothe irritated tissues.
  • Steam Inhalation: Steam inhalation, a steamer, or inhalation by leaning over hot water can relieve nasal congestion and open the airways.
  • Foods Rich in Vitamin C: Vitamin C can strengthen the immune system. Consuming vitamin C-rich foods such as oranges, tangerines and broccoli can support the healing process.
  • Adequate Fluid Consumption: Water and herbal teas can prevent dehydration and support overall recovery by keeping the body hydrated.
  • Rest: Adequate rest is very important so that the body can focus on the healing process. Sleep strengthens the immune system and can speed up the healing process.
  • Ventilation and Humidity: Adjusting indoor humidity levels and ventilation can reduce throat dryness and facilitate breathing.

What is Good for Colds in Babies and Children?

Colds in babies and children can often be a cause for concern for parents. However, it usually progresses with mild symptoms and can be cured with natural methods applied at home under the supervision of a doctor. Natural suggestions that may be good for colds in babies and children include the following:

  • Consuming Adequate Amount of Fluid: Consuming sufficient amounts of fluid for babies or children keeps their bodies moist and supports general recovery.
  • Nasal Washing Solutions: In infants and children, doctor-prescribed nasal washing solutions or nasal sprays can relieve nasal congestion. However, nasal sprays should be used for the periods specified by the doctor, as long-term use may cause addiction.
  • Humidity: The humidity of the environment where the baby or child is located can facilitate breathing.
  • Adequate Rest: Allowing the child to get enough rest and sleep can strengthen the immune system and speed up the healing process.
  • Foods Rich in Honey and Vitamin C: Adding honey and vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to the child’s diet, with the permission of the doctor, considering their possible allergic nature, can contribute to healing by supporting the immune system.

How to Treat the Common Cold?

Treatment is usually administered under the supervision of a doctor to relieve symptoms and includes simple measures such as rest and drinking plenty of fluids. To deal with a runny nose, salt water sprays can be used in the amounts and method specified by the doctor, which can clean the nasal passages and facilitate breathing. Warm drinks, especially herbal teas and mixtures containing honey, can soothe the throat. Additionally, sleep and rest can speed up the healing process by helping strengthen the immune system. However, support methods to be used for home treatment should be applied in consultation with a doctor, as people’s general health and allergic structures are different. However, if the symptoms are severe or persist for a long time, different treatment methods may be applied by the doctor.

Frequently asked Questions

The common cold is a common illness today. Symptoms caused by the common cold can negatively affect people’s daily activities.

Is the Common Cold Contagious?

Colds are contagious and are usually passed from person to person through airborne droplets containing the virus. Spreading virus-containing droplets during coughing, sneezing, or talking can increase the risk of transmission from an infected person to a healthy person.

Which Department Treats Colds?

Cold complaints are usually evaluated by an ear, nose and throat specialist. Doctors in this field specialize in problems related to the nose, throat and ear.

It is a disease that includes symptoms that affect people’s daily lives, such as cold, fever, nasal congestion, and sore throat. With early diagnosis and treatment, symptoms can be alleviated. People with cold symptoms can start treatment by making an appointment at the ear, nose and throat outpatient clinic.

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