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What is Obesity Surgery?


What is Obesity Surgery?

Obesity surgery started in the 1950s and is still performed today. There are various methods applied in obesity surgery.

Obesity surgery started in the 1950s and is still performed today. There are various methods applied in obesity surgery.

Since each method has advantages and disadvantages compared to others, the patient’s expectations and the cause of obesity should be taken into consideration and the most appropriate method should be applied. Treatment in obesity surgery; It is divided into two: restrictive methods and methods that prevent the absorption of food from the intestines (bypass). In the third group, there are applications that include both features. Methods that restrict food intake include adjustable gastric banding (gastric band) and sleeve gastrectomy (stomach tube). These surgeries, which were performed openly and could only be performed on a limited number of patients in the past, are now being performed more frequently due to the increase in obesity. With the development of laparoscopic surgery, obesity surgeries can now be performed closed, even through a single incision in the belly.


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