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What Causes Constipation? What is Good for Constipation?


What Causes Constipation? What is Good for Constipation?

Constipation is defined as decreased bowel movements and difficulty passing stool. Many people may experience constipation problems due to diet, changes in daily life or insufficient fiber intake. Constipation lasting longer than 3 weeks and accompanied by; If complaints such as severe pain and blood in the stool are observed, constipation may be a symptom of a disease. It is extremely important to get medical support in such cases. Having fewer than three bowel movements per week is technically defined as constipation. However, since the frequency and pattern of defecation may vary from person to person, situations that deviate from the normal routine for some people should be evaluated. At this point, other basic features of constipation are examined. Constipation may occur if the stool is dry and hard, it is difficult to go to the toilet, and there is a feeling that the intestines are not fully emptied.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

Constipation is a condition characterized by difficulty expelling feces from the body. Apart from this situation, the following are among the symptoms of constipation:

  • Having fewer than three bowel movements per week
  • The stool has a dry or hard texture
  • Painful feeling during defecation
  • Abdominal pain and cramp complaints
  • Abdominal bloating and nausea
  • Feeling that the intestines cannot be completely emptied after defecation

What Causes Constipation?

Constipation is a condition that occurs when the large intestine absorbs too much water from the stool. Intensive water absorption causes the stool to dry and harden, making it difficult to excrete it from the body. The intestines slowly absorb nutrients as food moves through the digestive tract. Partially digested food passing from the small intestine to the large intestine turns into waste. The water in the waste materials coming to the large intestine is absorbed by the large intestine, thus the waste solidifies. In case of constipation, the waste moves much slower and the time allocated for the absorption of water is extended. This causes the stool to dry, harden and become difficult to excrete from the body.

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Lifestyle factors, medical conditions, and medications can cause constipation to develop. Not consuming enough fiber, not drinking enough water and a sedentary life can cause constipation. Traveling and changes in eating or sleeping patterns are also among the causes of constipation. Stress, heavy consumption of milk and cheese, and resisting the urge to have bowel movements can also result in constipation.

Some medications used may cause constipation. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, strong painkillers containing codeine and oxycodone may increase constipation complaints.

Apart from such situations, some health conditions may also play a role in the development of constipation. Symptoms of health problems such as hypothyroidism, colorectal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis include constipation.

Constipation is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy due to the changing physiological structure.

How to Treat Constipation?

If constipation is mild to moderate, constipation treatment can be provided at home. In cases where constipation occurs along with a health condition such as intestinal obstruction, hospitalization or medical interventions may be required.

Constipation is a health problem that can often be treated by making vital changes, paying attention to diet, and reducing stress factors. Exercise is very important in the treatment of constipation. Intestinal motility can be increased with light-paced walks. A healthier defecation pattern can be achieved with the changes to be made.

At points where constipation cannot be relieved by vital changes, the physician may recommend supplementary fiber intake and various medications. Complaints of constipation can be reduced by using laxatives under doctor’s supervision. Prescription medications used to treat constipation can be used.

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In some cases, surgical interventions may be needed to treat constipation. If a structural problem in the structure of the colon causes constipation, the doctor may recommend surgery. In medical conditions such as intestinal obstruction, anal fissure, intestinal stenosis or rectal prolapse, which is defined as the collapse of the rectum towards the vagina, constipation can be treated by correcting the intestinal structure through surgical interventions.

What is Good for Constipation?

It is recommended that people make vital changes during home interventions for constipation. At this point, changes in nutrition and paying attention to fluid consumption come first. It is recommended that people suffering from constipation increase the amount of water they consume per day. Constipation that develops due to dehydration can be relieved by consuming the ideal amount of water. Additionally, the consumption of beverages containing caffeine, which can cause dehydration, should be avoided. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of fruit juice and excessively sugary drinks.

It is recommended that people suffering from constipation avoid consumption of processed meats, fried foods, and foods containing simple carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta. Instead of such foods, whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruits should be added to the daily diet. Thus, intestinal motility can be supported by increasing daily fiber intake.

What is Good for Constipation During Pregnancy?

The rate of encountering constipation during pregnancy is quite high. If it lasts for a long time, this condition can cause serious complaints in women and reduce the quality of daily life. By taking some precautions, the development of constipation can be prevented and constipation complaints can be reduced. Consuming the ideal amount of fluid during pregnancy supports many physiological processes and also supports bowel movements. At this point, it is recommended that pregnant women pay attention to water consumption. Liquids such as prune juice can also be used. It is recommended to add fibrous foods to the daily diet. A nutrition plan rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can be followed. Physical activities that can be done during pregnancy can be added to the daily routine. If the complaint of constipation continues despite the vital changes to be made, the physician may prescribe laxatives or stool softeners suitable for use during pregnancy.

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What is Good for Constipation in Babies?

Babies’ abdominal muscles are weak and they often have difficulty during bowel movements. If soft stools come out after a few minutes of straining, this is not called constipation. Having difficulty passing stool is not always a sign of constipation. Constipation in babies is a condition that usually develops when the baby starts eating solid food. In such cases, adding water and fruit juice to the daily diet can support the baby’s intestinal motility. Apple, prune and pear juice can be used. If the baby’s age range is appropriate, grains such as whole wheat or oats can be added to the daily diet.

What are the foods that help prevent constipation?

Some foods can help prevent constipation thanks to the high amount of fiber and water they contain. By adding them to the daily diet, they can support daily fiber intake and ensure sustainable intestinal motility. These foods include whole grains, fresh and dried fruits, green leafy vegetables and legumes. High-fiber fruits such as prunes, oranges, pineapples, strawberries and mangoes are among the prominent foods.

What Foods Cause Constipation?

While some foods increase intestinal motility by supporting daily fiber intake, some foods may be effective in the development of constipation because they limit fiber intake. Following a protein-heavy diet can result in inadequate daily fiber intake and cause constipation. Processed meat products, products with high refined sugar and salt content, and high consumption of dairy products may be effective in the development of constipation. Consumption of foods such as tea, coffee and chocolate containing high amounts of caffeine can dehydrate the body and cause constipation.

Constipation may be a condition that develops due to life changes, medical condition or medications. It can be controlled with measures such as nutritional interventions, exercise and increasing fluid intake. However, it should not be neglected that medical support should be sought if constipation lasts longer than three weeks and various symptoms are observed.


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